Which Product Is Better for You: Pads, Tampons, or Cups?

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There are three different types of menstrual products people commonly use during their period. If you're thinking about switching things up or wondering which one is right for you, this quick guide can help you make an educated decision.


Pads, also called sanitary pads or sanitary napkins, are made of adsorbent material and are usually attached to the inside of your underwear.

They come in various shapes, sizes, and thicknesses to provide the amount and type of absorption you need on any given day of your period. Choosing a type of pad depends on your menstrual flow: the heavier it is - the higher absorbency pad you need. Some pads are made to be used overnight, these are longer than regular pads to reduce the likelihood of leaks.


- Easy to start using

- Great for preventing leaks

- Useable overnight


- Can be bulky

- Not suitable for swimming or certain other physical activities


Unlike pads, tampons are used inside the vagina. They're made of adsorbent material and come in different sizes for heavier and lighter periods.

Tampons are quite easy to use, but it may take a little practice when you first start using them to get the hang of it. Relaxing and following the directions on the package can be very helpful.


- Small and discreet

- Can be used while swimming or doing sports

- Unnoticeable if inserted correctly


- Easy to forget about

- Require some getting used to

- Can cause toxic shock syndrome if left in too long

Menstrual cups

Menstrual cups are generally made of medical-grade silicone and are inserted into the vagina. Rather than absorb blood, a cup collects it before it flows out. The cup is then empties, washed, and reinserted.

The cups can either be disposable or reusable and can stay inside you up to 12 hours. It takes some people a lot of practice to get used to inserting a menstrual cup, and there are many guides online about different ways to fold it to make insertion easier.


- Save you money in the long-term

- Produce less waste (if reusable)

- Allow more time between changes

- Preserve vaginal pH and healthy bacteria


- Can be difficult to insert

- Require cleaning and sterilizing

Final verdict: which is right for you?

As you can see, all the products have their own advantages and disadvantages. Ultimately, it's about figuring out which best meets your needs based on things like your flow, budget, schedule, and lifestyle.

Many people switch back and fourth between products. Some use tampons or cups during the day and then switch to a pad at night. Some even combine menstrual cups or tampons with pads for extra protection.

According to a survey by Flo, 45% users prefer pads, 44% prefer tampons, 2% prefer menstrual cups, and 9% use a combination of all of the above. Whatever you decide, the important thing is that it's comfortable and works for you.

I am a homebody and rarely ever leave my house, so when i'm home- it's always a pad. When I'm leaving it's a tampon and pad. But sometimes I just can't even be bothered with tampons so usually 98% of the time its an overnight pad just thrown in my underwear for a couple of hours. I use Always brand overnight pads, and I use Tampax pure tampons. They're pure cotton, no bleaches or dyes. I'm really allergic to bleach so before they came out with pure- I'd have awful reactions to the bleaches and dyes so I had to quit wearing tampons so I kind of got out of the habit of wearing them. But when I first started my period, I would never ever wear pads unless it was at night and I absolutely hated it. I was super uncomfortable and I only ever wore tampons. but now i'm a lazy old hag and I quite enjoy the less worrysome pad:)

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