What Can Cause an Inability to Orgasm?

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The causes of anorgasmy are divided into two groups.

1. Psychological

- excessive control over emotions, inability to "disconnect"

- low self-esteem, fear of doing something wrong

- fear of getting pregnant

- negative first sexual experience

- psychological trauma

- stress

2. Physiological

- hormonal disorders

-malfunctioning of the nervous and cardiovascular system

- taking medications (especially antidepressants)

Sometimes, it is enough to try a new position or focus more on foreplay to achieve a positive result.

In more complex cases, it is recommended that you consult a doctor, who will then determine the cause of your problem and help you deal with it.

I suffer from anxiety and it makes it almost impossible to orgasm! One in every ten times that I have sex, I orgasm. I can't seem to shut my brain off, "disconnect", I'm highly insecure, and I'm always stressing. I also had my first sexual experience being raped so that's given me PTSD, I'm sure that has something to do with it. I also have a hormone imbalance, I do take medication for  my migraines, and I'm always "scared" to make noises. I've already talked about it with the hubby, he loves all the noises, yet I can't seem to let myself moan unless it's just so good that I can't help it. That's the anxiety taking over -.- And if all of that isn't enough, I suffer from endometriosis, making it physically impossible to even have sex, let alone orgasm. So, if I ever seem like an uptight bitch to you, now you know why.

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