Sparkling Water Is an Excellent Alternative to Its Still Counterpart

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Some people prefer carbonated water due to the pleasant sensation of the bubbles tingling on the tongue.
If you are among them, we have good news for you. This drinking habit can have a positive effect on your overall health.
Carbonated water possesses the same beneficial properties as still water, and in some cases, it is superior because:
- it relieves constipation and digestive disorders
- it improves the swallowing reflex (especially cold water)
- drinking it on an empty stomach provides a brief but significant feeling of fullness
- it makes food stay in the stomach for longer, prolonging the feeling of satiety
Important: if you suffer from gastrointestinal diseases, it is recommended that you drink no more than 10 fl oz (300 ml) of carbonated water per day.

*if anybody tries this out for the health benefits, please let me know how it works for the constipation and digestive health.
I'm always getting constipated due to the medication I take and sometimes I'll go a week to two weeks without pooping and I get in the worst pain and can't eat or sleep and it's just miserable. The only thing I've found to really work is prune juice.
But if the sparkling water works, I'd drink that everyday and I'm sure it tastes way better than prunes!
Also, if you have acid reflux, does the sparkling water make it worse?? Please let me know down in the comments below if you've ever drank sparkling water and if so, how did it taste?? How did it work for you??

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