Hot to Cold: Myths or Facts?

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A frequently asked question, and also a very old myth is often confused for the fact. This simple yet confusing question has everybody, well, confused.
"If you go outside with wet hair, you'll get a cold," my mother used to tell me. Mother, how am I going to catch a cold if I don't get a germ!? Confusing!

FAQ: "Does going from hot to cold temperatures make you sick?"

My answer: NOOOOOO!! How are you gonna catch a cold if you don't have the germ!!??
However, if you're outside everyday and it's winter or it's cold and rainy, expect to get a runny nose. But a runny nose and an infectious illness are two different things.

The cold (no pun intended) hard facts: In terms of infectious illnesses, germs make you sick, not cold weather itself. You have to come in contact with rhinoviruses to catch a cold. And you need to be infected with influenza viruses to contract the flu. Rhinoviruses peak in spring and fall, and influenza viruses peak in winter.

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