5 Efficient Activities to Boost Your Metabolism

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Despite the fact that some elements of your metabolism are out of your hands, there are still many effective ways of increasing metabolism. Many of these methods of boosting metabolism revolve around your activity levels and the food you eat on a regular basis.
Doing intense exercise. When it comes to speeding up your metabolism, one of the best things you can do is engage in high-intensity workouts that expend more energy. They require your body to metabolize more food in order to provide your muscles with the energy they need. When you mix up your exercises, your body maintains a high metabolism and burns more calories and fat.
Resistance training. Resistance training is a great metabolism booster since it increases your muscle mass. Muscle cells have a higher metabolic rate than fat cells do. Resistance training includes weightlifting, push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups, among other exercises.
Eating at regular intervals. In an effort to lose weight, it's common to eat a lot and then skip meals. But the reality is that when body detects this, it slows down the metabolism process. A better approach is to eat several small meals at regular intervals throughout the day.
Being well-hydrated. Drinking water is important if you want to increase metabolism. The body uses water in the majority of its processes - and metabolism is no different. When you drink water while resting, your metabolism actually increases. When it comes to raising your metabolism by drinking water, opt for room temperature water. Drinking before your meals can also help lower your appetite and ensure you don't overeat. It's equally as important to remember not to hydrate with sugary drinks. Not only do they provide empty calories, but they can also affect your teeth - a double whammy.
Getting enough sleep. Failing to sleep enough tends to result in your metabolism being thrown off balance and can be a risk factor for obesity. Sleep deprivation can lead to hormonal imbalances - leptin, the hormone that regulates energy balance by inhibiting hunger, goes down while ghrelin, the hormone that increases appetite, goes up. This can result in weight gain.

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