Transparent Discharge: What Is This Clear Fluid?

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Noticed your underwear is wet with clear fluid? Is it your body just doing its thing or is it something to worry about? Let's figure it out...

What does it look like? Anything from a clear, thin, watery fluid to something more like the texture of egg whites.

Is it a problem? No, it's not! As long as the transparent discharge is odorless and you don't have and genital discomfort, it's a sign that your vaginal and cervical ecosystems are healthy and finely tuned.

You might notice the amount/texture of transparent discharge varies. This can happen because of the body's natural processes and it can also be caused by certain events, like:


In the days before you ovulate, estrogen levels go through the roof, which causes vaginal fluid production to increase. You might notice it changes texture too, beckoning a bit like raw egg whites. This is all designed to increase your chances of conceiving, as it makes it easier for sperm to get into your uterus and then on to your tubes where conception would take place.

Sexual arousal

Feeling turned on can also make your body produce more clear, slippery fluid, which helps to make sex pain-free and more pleasurable.


Some people notice an increase in vaginal discharge during exercise. It may be that some exercises put pressure on your abdomen, which can mean more fluid is squeezed out.

What can you do? Let's get this straight: you don't need to do anything! Your normal care routine is more than enough.

Anything else it might be? It's unlikely! But if you develop any unpleasant symptoms — including a fever; genital pain/itching; pain when you pee; tender spots in your groin; blisters or sores in the genital area; or generally feeling unwell — get checked out by your doctor.

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