A Very Long Rant of Descendants 3-- Review

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Sorry for taking so long to post my review, but I had finals and was taking a break.

!!!!SPOILERS............ But You Kind Of Knew That!!!!

I finally got to see Descendants 3 after almost a week of waiting to get to DVD. I have seen small spoilers on social media, but tried to not to listen to any of the songs and limited myself to certain scenes.

I will talk about what I loved and not really liked about the film. I will also talk about the characters, song, plot, and ending, as well as the questions I have.


The first VKs really were well developed in the film. In case you didn't know, All the main characters who attended Auradon Prep. have graduated except Jane and Carlos.

The Core Four

Mal is going to be queen! I love this but I feel like she was really drawn away from her art talent. I still love her and all that, because she really tried to think of a way to keep Auradon safe despite the decision of closing the barrier for good. I just wish she did more of her art in this film.

Jay really was like a big brother in this film. His bickering with Harry throughout the film was hilarious. I really loved his relationship with him and Gil.

Evie did not disappoint in this movie. She was reasonable and tried to get everyone to work together despite their differences.

Carlos was beyond adorable in this movie. Even though this was Cameron Boyce's last film, I enjoyed seeing him continued to being the part of Carlos. He was so adorable and really helped in the plot of the film.

Auradon Kids

Ben was not as involved as I hoped. Yeah, he did purpose to Mal and support her in the barrier decision, but outside of him going Beast and the decision of taking out the barrier, he didn't do that much. The Beast spell/curse was an interesting touch, but it didn't drive any of the plot forward except have Jane meet-up with the boy group. I don't know, I think he could've done more in this film.

Audrey was confusing but really didn't has somewhat good intention of taking the crown and scepter. When she and her grandmother reacted to Ben's proposal to Mal, we get to see a bit of Audrey's backstory, and how her Grammy and family disappointment in her. I really loved how the Auradon people all reacted with Audrey.

Jane didn't have any cake(which I found funny that everyone was just eating it)! She really didn't get involved in the film, using the Enchanted Lake water to break Ben's Beast spell.

Doug and Chad I felt didn't really need to be in the film. Other then Doug and Evie's True Love's Kiss, he didn't do all that much. As for Chad, I really didn't like him in this movie. All he did was coware at Audrey. He could have been taken out of the film and I wouldn't care

As for Lonnie, I was really hoping she'd be mentioned, like what they did with Audrey in Descendants 2, but she wasn't mentioned once! In the book Escape from the Isle of the Lost, it was explained that she went pro for tourney, but they could've at least mention that. Also, she could've been so useful throughout this whole movie!

The Pirates

Uma finally returned! Her motives are clear and she just wants the VKs to live equally in Auradon.

Harry did get on Jay's nerves, which was so hilarious. He also remained loyal to his captain, even when she decided to go back to the Isle. Throughout the movie, he is mocking the way Auradon is. But when Mal reveals that the barrier will be closed for good, we see him show his true feelings for once.

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