Writers Block and New Story

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I know you probably have been waiting patiently for and update on Ship of Deams, and I am sorry for the long wait. I do have reasons as to why I'm not updating as much.
Reason 1: Writers Block
This is the main reason. I have been experiencing some writers block. I don't want the book to be too simular to the movie Titanic.

I am currently writing the part where Jack and Rose ate talking on the first class deck. I do plan on including the deleted scene of Rose's Dreams.

If you have a suggestion please leave them in the comments.

Reason 2: New Story Idea
I don't know if you all have noticed but one of my favorite new characters from Descendants 2 is Dizzy.

have doing a lot of thinking and wrote a few chapters of a book that's still needs a title. I've also written a couple of summaries and working titles.

It'll overall be a backstory to Dizzy. What her life was like on the Isle of the Lost, where she went to school, why she pays Uma and the pirate gang.

I'll also include how she and Evie know each other so well, even though it is somewhat explained in Evie's Fashion Sketchbook.

I'll also include how she and Evie know each other so well, even though it is somewhat explained in Evie's Fashion Sketchbook

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I will also include where she was in The Isle of the Lost book series 1-3

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I will also include where she was in The Isle of the Lost book series 1-3.

Please comment if you think it's a good idea.

So that's basically what going with my writing. I just want your options on any ideas to Ship of Dreams and my new story idea with Dizzy.

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