Prologue: It's That Guy From Those Videos!

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Percy laughed wildly as he ran through the crowded halls with his two best friends. Around the trio, people grumbled as they pushed through the masses but neither Percy, Will nor Nico cared what they thought.

The three were in the midst of a prank war with their other friends the Stolls, and in their collective opinions: this war took the highest priority. Screw classroom etiquette.

Eventually the three ran to a small gap in the lockers just large enough for the three to fit in with a little wiggle room. Percy used his already taping phone to peek outside the gap and record as the Stolls ran by in glitter and blue, pink and yellow paint. Nico had originally wanted black but they had decided pink was more annoying.

"You guys really need to stop dressing like a couple it's disgusting," Percy whispered as they waited. His phone still pointed at the hallways.

"Shut up, you're just jealous," Nico stated jabbing him in the ribs.

"Oh, absolutely. I definitely want to be wearing dorky shirts that say shit like 'I'm with him!'"

"That's not even what our shirts say—"

"Shut up they're coming!" Will interrupted.

"That's what she said."

"Oh real mature, Percy." Nico said rolling his eyes.

"Shut up!" Will said.

Percy mockingly saluted with his free hand.

Footsteps and the rushed voices of the Stolls came down the hallway rapidly.

"We tripped and fell while the drama club was painting their set!" Connor supplied.

"I hear they're doing–uh–a drag show?" Travis added.

"Yeah a drag show!"

Slowly the three boys in the nook wordlessly drew closer to the shadows squishing backwards until there was no more room. Their breaths became slow and quiet. They knew what had happened. During a prank war faculty would never be involved, unless it was Percy's dad or the Stolls' dad or Will's dad. They were cool. Unfortunately however, the teacher who had caught the Stolls was not Percy's dad or or Will's dad or their own dad and thus was not cool.

The Stolls slowly came into sight with the self righteous principal Grace holding their shoulders firmly.

"I heard Piper makes a great Jack Sparrow!"

The boys let out a sigh of relief as the Stolls continued BS-xplaining to the principal. Percy figured they'd be fine. Their dad was a teacher here. He pressed the record button to end it. It wasn't the video he had expected but it was still funny all the same.

"Drag show was the best they could come up with? Seriously?" Nico asked as they broke from the wall and sat down criss-cross-apple-sauce in a triangle.

"What would you have said?"

"I dunno. Not 'drag show' that's for sure."

Percy casually pulled out a deck of cards from his backpack and effortlessly shuffled them. He dealt the cards mindlessly as they all wordlessly agreed on skipping the next class in case the Stolls slipped up and mentioned them to Zeus.

"Bullshit," Nico called as Percy placed down his card.

"Nope! Take the deck DiAngelo," Percy said triumphantly. Will laughed at his glaring boyfriend and best friend.


As they played BS, Percy stole glances at the two weirdos beside him that at some point he had come to love. Without Nico, he'd have probably still been friendless. Eating lunch with his dad every day? Don't think it got much lamer. Not that sitting alone was any better. That's why when Nico DiAngelo walked into the cafeteria that first day in all his gloom and doom and confidently walked right up to Percy and asked him to play Mythomagic with him, Percy and Nico became instant friends. Percy also made sure he knew everything and anything about Mythomagic the next day which Nico thought was a nice gesture and told himself he'd keep this one.

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