Chapter 7

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As the week passed, I was truly glad to have my two best friends around at the house. We watched old movies, bickered, went shopping, bickered. Yes. It's been fun.

"Are you sure the academy won't be missing you about now?" I grumble into my sweater sleeve, not moving my eyes from the TV screen in front of me, old reruns of SNL playing.

Nico and Will move so they block the TV. My TV.

"W-What are you—" I point at the screen. I try to duck around the pair and catch a glimpse of a younger Will Ferrel on the weekend update before they move to block the screen again.

"When are you going to talk to us about your nightmare?" Nico and Will stand with their arms crossed, stern expressions on their face.

"B-But—" My TV...

"No 'but's," Nico says, cutting me off once again.

My mom looks in from the kitchen where she's baking blue cookies, per my request, but says nothing.

I let out a noise of frustration before placing my head in my hands, "Never. I'm fine. Stop asking, it's not happening."

"But we need to talk about it! You said we would talk about it," Nico protests. He looks to Will for support.

"U-Uh. Yeah, you said we'd talk about it," Will says clearing his throat, slightly unsure. Nico pats him on the arm and gives him a look that says, Don't help anymore.

It's almost funny seeing Nico boss around his obviously larger boyfriend. Who am I kidding? It's definitely funny. Always is, always will be.

I start, "Yeah, well, we'll still talk about it, just not—"

"–Right now? You were about to say something along the lines of 'now', right? I guessed so, since that's the only answer you've given us all week," Nico snaps.

"I don't wanna talk about it," I mutter quietly.

Nico presses on angrily, "When are you going to open up to us? Honestly! We've been friends for years! I tell you everything! And what do I get in return? 'I don't wanna talk about it' is all I get! Why, Percy? Why? What did we ever do to you? We've done nothing but be your best friends!"

My face flushes angrily. I shout without thinking. "Why do you even care!" Immediately, I realize I've said the wrong thing. Nico's face flushes before he stomps out of the living room and into his room. "W-Wait—Nico..."

"Just go back to your god damn TV!" He shouts from the other room before slamming the door.

"We just want to help, Perce," Will says sadly, trailing after Nico. I'm left standing in front of the old television set, the noise barely brushing back my consciousness.

I sigh and look after them silently. I know he cares. He's been looking after me for ages. As to the "why", I honestly couldn't tell you. He's right about one thing: I'm nothing but trouble. For him. For my mom. Whenever something happens to me, they're always there to get me out. But that doesn't change to fact that they can't leave well enough alone. I'm fine. It was just a stupid dream.

I barely register sitting before the sofa dips as my mother sits next to me. She drapes her arm around me protectively and I lean into her side, allowing her to comfort me. She gives my shoulders a squeeze.

Gone With The Tides - (Percy Jackson/Avengers Story) [boyxboy]Where stories live. Discover now