Chapter 9

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I used google translate. Don't roast me guys. Also, I have 5k reads and 299 votes!! That is so exciting!! Thank you all so much!!

"So you have the helmet?"

"Yes. I still don't know why I need it..."

"You need it because you're tiny. How about the finger wraps they suggested on the website?"

"Wha— Mom!"

"Answer the question!"

"Hmph. Yes, I have it. And I'm not tiny—"

"Oh! And you have the correct underwe—"

Yep, that's enough. Hit me over the head with something heavy, anyone.

"Yes! God, mom, yes! I have everything I need. Why are you even asking me? You were the one who packed me three days in advance! Now can you, like, not talk so loud now?" I whisper yell embarrassedly.

Ever since the run in with Octavian (A.K.A The mugging as my mom knew it as), I'd been in absolute lockdown. And now that I was being let out of the house, it was for self defense lessons. When mom had picked me up from Paul's house, he recommended the lessons to my mom. He had a good friend who had a dojo near us, so he recommended I take lessons there.

I couldn't help but stare dubiously at the storefront of the dojo, which from out here didn't look like much. The sign that read "复制" was torn up and flickered ominously. Beneath the Chinese characters was the English words "rise of the spirit". Very inspirational. The whole sign was a washed out red and gold, probably having been very majestic at some point in time, but now it had traces of washed off spray paint and definitely seemed like it had seen better days. Even mom paused as she saw the exterior and the vibes the place gave off. She quickly shook it off and scurried inside, not giving me the chance to hesitate before following.

She steps up to the front desk nervously, shifting from foot to foot and I can't help but wonder if I'll be put in a class with a bunch of kids. I may only be 17, but I'm not going to take a class with a bunch of 12 year olds, even if we are the same height. Actually, especially if we're the same height.

A bear of a man with a mop of light blue hair emerged from the back room wearing a tank top and basketball shorts followed by a heavily breathing Hispanic girl who was unwrapping her fingers from the white tapes from around her fingers. Her heavily muscled form was drenched in sweat while he barely seemed to be breathing hard.

"Good session today, Rey," he says patting her on the back. She nods and uses the towel around her neck to wipe off her face before bumping fists with him before trotting over to the doors, breathlessly calling over her shoulder,

"I'll get you next week, Castellan."

This statement causes him to chuckle and say, "Sure you will, Arellano. I believe I remember you saying that last week." Before my mom or I could even blink she was back upon him and he was clutching his cheek where she had decked him.

"And I'll do it again next week." And with that she departs sassily, meeting up with a golden haired male with silver-grey eyes who put his hand around her waist before leaning down slightly and pecking her on the lips. The guy sends a cocky wink down to Rey's instructor who was still on the floor before they strut off laughing.

The guy on the floor scoffs before pushing himself up from the ground and chuckling before wincing from the strain on his cheek. He gets behind the desk that my mom had shied away from after the interaction he had with Rey, pushing me behind her slightly.

The instructor smiled widely, "Hi! Welcome to my Dojo. I'm Luke." He holds out his hand for his hand to shake but when it is not received, he adds, "I swear I'm only punched into the ground on days that Reyna is here. Or Thursday's when Frank is here." When neither my mom nor I seem to be reassured, he puts his hand down and puts one hand on his waist and uses the other one to scratch his head awkwardly. "Sorry, that probably wasn't helpful. Uh..."

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