Chapter 5 (part 2)

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"So—wait, who was after you this time?" Nico asks.

"I dunno. Some weird buff guys," I say hesitantly. But they'll probably be back, is what I don't say.

"That's sounds great—" Nico starts dreamily, but is elbowed by an annoyed Will. He corrects, "—terrible. So terrible. Heh. Sorry, babe."

"Uh-huh." Will looked somewhat satisfied with this and kisses the raven on the crown of his head.

I don't see why Nico could possibly think about any other guy. I mean, sure, being surrounded by buff guys has been ruined for me, but for anyone else, I'd say that's a wet dream and a half. But Will isn't bad looking either. He has that whole 'I work out a lot and go to the beach but I also have a good heart and heal puppies and silt' kinda vibe. He's that popular kid you really wanna hate, but he's actually really nice so you can't hate him. He's freaking sunshine and rainbows for goodness sake.

Instead of commenting, I just say, "But they were old. Old and grumpy. The whole lot! Even if they weren't old, all they did was argue about how I 'crashed their plane' and—" Oh, silt.

"You crashed their plane?" My mom says in typical mom fashion. Well, yes, but I was on the plane. So it's their fault.

"You what?" Nico deadpans with mirth glinting in his eyes. How do I explain this? How do I avoid explaining this?

"I what?" I attempt, trying to laugh it off like no big deal.

"Percy!" No need to yell, geez...

I scratch the back of my head awkwardly, not meeting any of their eyes. I can feel their eyes boring into me. Two stern glares and one more amused one. "Did—Did I leave that out when I was telling the story? Heh... How did I do that? Wow, my bad, you guys. I just want to start with: It was completely not my fault," I say quickly.

"That's not a great sign," Nico mutters to Will who shakes his head in agreement.

"So, we were on this really scary plane—and you know, when I say plane, I mean: flying death trap—and we were really high up? Like, really high, and I started freaking out, so I may have accidentally, purposely, taken down the plane in my fright. But it was their fault. Because... planes," I finish weakly, knowing that my weak argument wouldn't be able sway myself either.

"What kind of damage did you inflict on the plane, Perseus?" My mom inquires dangerously. Uh-oh. She used the 'Perseus' card.

"I don't really know—" I try before being met with an icy glare. "Well, according to one of them, I kindoftoretheplaneapart," I say quickly, trying to minimize the damage. 

"You 'kind of' tore their plane apart? You can't just tear planes apart, Percy! Especially with you inside of it!" How did she catch that? Wait, she's a mom, of course she caught it. Dang it.

"I think you're forgetting these guys kidnapped me. Not the other way around," I defend somewhat affronted.

"Well, I suppose, but—"

"Mrs. Blofis, I think Percy is right on this one," my mom looks about to argue, but Will continues. "I'm not saying that he was right to tear the plane apart, but they were kidnapping him. They deserved what came to them, extreme or not," he finishes pulling Nico into his lap, subtly  using him as a human shield. Real nice guy you got there, Neeks.

She thinks it over for a minute before nodding. She motions for me to come over to her. I shuffle over cautiously, unsure if she's going to hug me or beat me. I'm quickly engulfed in a hug and I settle into the warmth. We sit like that for a while, me with my legs over her lap and my head tucked under chin before she sighs and pulls me away a bit.

"I love you, Sweetie. I just get so worried every time you get into trouble! I know you don't go looking for trouble either. It just... finds you," She pets my hair before fulling me in for another hug. "You're the most precious thing in my world," she says before glancing at Nico and Will before adding, "Next to those two of course."

I wrap my arms around her middle. She was still taller than me by a good six inches. But I was okay with that. My mother was an angel among mortals. A goddess. For fifty-something, she looked heavenly, her eyes crinkling at the corners when she laughed. Always a smile adorning her features. I loved her with all my heart. She loved me no matter what, her love enduring through all of the trouble I caused her. Every time I was expelled from another school, she always made it all better. But that's what moms were for, right?

"I love you too, mom," I mutter, softly sighing in contentment.



Hey guys! Happy New Year! It's been a long 2017, you guys. I gotta admit, I'm glad it's over. Let's hope 2018 is better!

Got any New Years resolutions? Share them with me!!

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