Chapter 2 (Original)

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Still struggling in the man's grasp, I froze as I felt a sharp cold bite into the flesh of my neck. My eyes widened, portraying my rising panic. My hands shot up to grip the arm banded uncomfortably around my chest.

The man with metal wings held up a leather clad hand. "We don't kill children." The man retracted the knife and relaxed his hold on me and my feet touched the ground. I was about to push out of his grasp when he continued, "I said we don't kill children. I said nothing about letting him go." Spidey's eyes widened before settling back into a harsh glare. Roughly I was pulled back into a hard chest and I was bound once again. I wiggled my feet and ankles as they dangled above the ground.

I could always just dehydrate them. Then again, it hadn't blown over too well last time. Plus, new tricks were always fun... Plan B it was!

Slowly, I started breaking my hand down into mist behind my back so I could "mist travel" away. I'd semi-learned how to do it without losing any body parts or clothing, so that was good.

It was just a long, tedious process, I thought rolling my eyes.

When Wings looked away, I mouthed to Spandex, "Stall." He cocked his head to the side in confusion before nodding and returned his attention to his opponents.

While he traded taunts with Wings, I focused on dissolving the rest of my body, praying that they wouldn't notice and that he'd do a good job of distracting them.

Dissolving is a weird feeling: tingling and then nothing. I did this for about ten minutes before realizing that Spider-Man was about to make his move.

Guess it was time to make mine...

Hoping I'd dissolved the important parts of my body, I quickly disassembled the rest and the man who had been holding me gave a shout of alarm and shock.

"Woah," breathed Spider-Man while the other two whipped around in confusion. I re-materialized behind the taller form of Mr. Spandex.

"I'm not a child by the way," I stated crossing my arms. "I'm sixteen." I saw Spandex's back move up and down as he chuckled. BETRAYAL. I gawped at his muscular back. I slapped his back and huffed. And here I'd thought I had an ally.

It isn't funny. It really isn't. Just because I'm tiny, people think I'm a little kid. When I used to walk around with Annie, people would always coo, "Oh, are you baby sitting?" "He's so handsome!" And even, "Is this your little brother? He's adorable!" It didn't help that she was bordering being 6 foot, but still. It wasn't nice to assume. I pouted and glared when he turned around and looke me up and down disbelievingly.

"Oh, shut up you spandex wearing tree," I grumbled. He had the audacity to look amused. C'mon man, I know it's lame, but work with me here. "Don't you have bad guys to fight?" I asked throwing my arms in the direction of the bamboozled henchmen.

"I wasn't saying anything." I glared at his back thinking I should reconsider plan A. I practiced on those guys that tried to corner me in school. It had been perfected. I swear I didn't kill them though.

Boy Scout's honor, right?

But— they may have been honorably discharged from the military for minor mental and physical injuries. By which had absolutely no correlation with my practices.

Before I could do anything though, the bridge seemed to finally be on it's last legs. The helicopters and drones had long since vacated for fear of being brought down with the bridge.

"Nice seeing you again, Spider-Man," Wings says it mockingly. "We have a ride to catch."

The bridge gave a final groan before collapsing, bringing Spider-Man and me along with it. As we fell, we watched as Wings and his people launched into the sky. He grabbed onto me and I latched onto his waist, taking any excuse to find out if he really did have hot abs.

He did, I thought smirking.

He attempted to latch his webs anywhere above us, but everything around us was falling with us.

I guess I'll have to do something, I thought. I sighed dramatically before breaking our fall with the water also bringing up water in a large wave and catching any drones remaining in the area.

I pushed us to the bottom of the river in a little air bubble just big enough for us to sit and kept other debris from hitting us. It took a great amount of my concentration so we just sat in silence while we waited for the largest of the debris to fall around us. We sat down there for about ten minutes before I deemed it safe to just hold the bubble. But even from that short amount of time, I knew I'd be dead on my feet the second we got to the surface even with me drawing energy from the river.

"Ok, we can go up now I guess," I yawned, wiping my brow. He looked up from where he was playing with the sand beneath us and nodded, warily grabbing onto me again. His eyes scanned the walls of water around us as if he thought the water would crash in on us any moment.

His grip on my waist was looser than earlier and I couldn't help but think it was because of my powers. He didn't seem to realize it, but he was tense, like he was preparing for any attack I might suddenly decide to throw at him.

I looked up at him and mentioned sadly, "You're afraid of my powers, or at least they make you uncomfortable." It wasn't a question when I said it. He looked unsure, but hesitantly shook his head no. Even though he was still wearing that darn mask, I could tell he was lying. I looked down and sighed in disappointment.

This was why I never used my powers.

I returned my gaze upward as his arms tightened around my waist again and his lensed eyes looked into mine. In the reflection of his goggles I saw myself. I looked frazzled with my hair all askew and my clothes wrinkled and burnt in places. No wonder he looked freaked out. I looked wild.

He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then he seemingly faltered and shut his mouth again. His grip on me loosened again and he looked away.

"Let's just head up," he whispered.

I nodded and looked back down, raising us towards the surface. "It's gonna get cold for a minute," I warned. I kept the bubble around our heads and let the water rush onto the bottom of our bodies.

He held his breath in panic.

"It's okay. I won't let the water touch our heads," I said in an attempt to soothe him. I reached out to caress his cheek but he flinched away and I put my hand down again. So much for possible romance, I thought ruefully.

As we made our way towards the surface, a few fish came and looked in on our bubble. Some said their greetings before swimming away. I tiredly, but politely, waved and exchanged niceties with them, assuring we'd be out of their scales soon enough. They all ranged in color from the ugly orange of Donald Trump's cheeto puff dusted face, to an exciting black. Of course it wasn't their fault, they just happened to live in a very polluted river. It was kind of depressing.

We broke the surface and started our swim towards the shore. Mostly him swimming and pulling my dead weight across the rushing river towards land. As the adrenaline from falling off a bridge wore off, fatigue started seeping into my arms and legs. My eyes drooped shut and I fell asleep to the lulling waves and the feeling of protective arms around me.


Hey there, sorry it's so late! I lost track of time, and it just completely hit me in the face that I had to update today! It's not great, but oh well. Sorry. I'll try to fix it tomorrow when it isn't 10 something.

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