Prologue (Original)

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"Seaweed Brain, no one is going to take you seriously anymore," Nico said slightly muffled, one arm slung over his eyes, the other clutching his text books like a lifeline. His better half dragged him along by the elbow. I rolled my eyes and carefully ran a hand down my Hufflepuff scarf as we walked down the crowded hallway.

"So dramatic," I muttered, Nico thankfully too caught up in his act to even hear what I said.

It wasn't that bad. In fact, it was the opposite. I was proud to be a Hufflepuff and wanted to show some house pride. No matter how nerdy... Nico was just jealous because he was a Slytherin and clearly: Hufflepuff was the best house. We had the best colors. We had the best common room. And we had the cutest mascot. Not some slimy, terrifying, overgrown worm. Plus, we have the lowest rate of Death Eaters out of all the houses. So there.

Will huffed and shook his head, blonde curls bouncing. I didn't see how he could still not used to his boyfriend's dramatic antics. They had, after all, been together for 3-ish years— and going strong! He threw me an embarrassed glance to which I responded with an amused smirk mouthing, I'm used to it.

I shook my head and sighed, clutching my textbooks closer to my chest, my feet tapping a barely audible rhythm against the concrete floors. As I walked, I stole glances at the two weirdos beside me that I had come to love. Without Nico, I'd have still been alone. Military school was hard enough without being strong and buff and tall. But being gay too? Even though I had my dad on campus, who himself was a bisexual, it was still hard to cope with all of the bullying. I had come closer to the edge more times than I'd like to admit. But with the help of Nico, and eventually Will, I was all good now.

I remember when I first met Will, I hadn't liked how much of Nico's time he would take up. It felt like I was losing my best—only—friend to him. I had Nico to myself, and then suddenly he was always around. It didn't help that I'd had a crush on Nico since I'd met him. Later I realized how selfish that was, and felt really bad for how I'd treated him. Me and Will became good friends later, and I guess I'm ok with it as long as it makes Nico happy. And it does.

Will and Nico had gotten together 2 years after I'd met Nico, give or take. And in a way, I guess they're so perfect together; with Nico being short and angry, and Will being tall and sunshiny. It was a perfect yin and yang. Today it was so evident I actually laughed aloud when I saw them this morning. Nico had on his typical black hoodie with black skinny jeans and black converse and black everything, looking like he just stepped out of Goth Weekly, while Will had on his light blue hoodie that read 'be happy.' and white skinny jeans and white converse which contrasted with his tan skin looking very much like a human version of the sun. Though I had met his father, and he really looked like the sun personified.

Still looking exasperated, Will muttered something to the effect of, "You wear your house colors sometimes too, Nic..."

I snorted and kept walking as my tiny best friend halted to a stop in the middle of the hallway to yell at Will (poor guy), who seemingly came to the revelation that he should have kept his trap shut.

Should I have helped Will? Nah, I figured he'd be fine. He's a big guy.

Then again, it was Nico who's a tiny ball of anger we're talking about. Oh well. Sorry, Will.

Well, back to that earlier statement, I guess it'd be hypocritical of me to call Nico "tiny", as we are—basically—the same height. Maybe he's a bit taller, but that was beside the point.

Still looking back at my only friends and giggling, I didn't see a human skyscraper coming my way. How should I have known? Of course I ran straight into their chiseled chest and let out a sound of surprise. I've been told the sound I made could be related to a yelp, but it would've been a very manly yelp if anything.

All at once, the entirety of the hallway seemed to hold their breath, and I glanced around in confusion. Until I looked up. And I was met with really scary looking shoulders.

Faintly, I registered sniggers coming from behind me.

"Who's laughing now, you Hufflemuffin?"


Sorry it's so short. I just wanted to get it out! There might be some spelling and grammatical errors so sorry! Don't forget to comment and vote if you like(?)!

Hey! What's your Hogwarts house? I'm a proud Gryffindor.

Edit: Hey, I realized there's a bit of confusion with this chapter and I'm so sorry. They're not at Hogwarts. They're just nerds like me who wear their Wizard gear in school. Sorry again for the confusion.


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