Beginne am Anfang

He intwined our fingers together and rubbed his thumb against my skin.

I closed my eyes briefly at the wonderful feeling that spread through my body.

Within the blink of an eye, the blissful feeling was gone as I quickly pulled my hand away from his and placed it in my lap.

I looked up at the visor and caught a glimpse of Kai sad eyes.

I looked down briefly and when I looked back up I could see Kai comforting his little brother by ruffling his hair.

I played with my fingers as a pang of guilt consumed me.

Maybe I shouldn't have done that... I mean, he just wanted to hold my hand.


He broke my heart in so many ways, so many times.

I'm not going to forgive him easily and I refuse to let the mate bond force me into a toxic relationship.

I can get through this with my heart and happiness in tact!

"Take the next left and then follow the road until you get to the pack house" Caleb has turned grumpy as he instructed Eric in where to go.

My nerves grew as we turned down the long road to the pack house.

We had been driving through windy roads in the middle of the forrest, hidden deep away for a good three hours now and I was growing restless sitting in the same spot for so long.

"Eric, does Ruby know you're with us?" I asked nervously.

I hope she doesn't try to hurt him.

"I don't think so... Caleb?" He glanced back at Caleb in the rear view mirror.

"She knows that we have spoken to you about the situation... she does not know that you are with us right now, nor the things you have said so far. I didn't want her to have time to prepare excuses." He answers with a shrug of his shoulders.

I gulped nervously.

I was praying to the moon goddess that everything went as smoothly as possible.

I prayed that Ruby owned up to everything and let go of the hold she has on Caleb. I prayed that Eric wouldn't be harmed and that I could be strong enough to handle any outcome.

I nibbled on my bottom lip nervously as I thought about all the possible things that could go wrong.

I felt a slight breath on the back of my neck and I flinched forward slightly as Caleb whispered lowly in my ear.

"Hey... do you think I could have a quick word with you before we go inside and see everyone?" He asked with hope in his voice.

I turned my head to the side slightly, he was close to the back of my seat and I could hear his breath become rushed and his heartbeat rise.

I slowly nodded my head a couple of times, he let out a breath of relief and whispered a "thank you" before leaning back into his seat.

I looked forward again to see the familiar beauty of the Storm Pack fill my view.

Just like the first time I drove through the lands, I was in awe of the strength, power and culture that was clearly displayed by every person and wolf roaming the land.

I smiled softly as the pack house came into view, I was so close to seeing my family.

I was so close to talking to Caleb alone... I think my heart rate tripled with that realisation.

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