Yayyy!! and oh..

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Y/N's pov
Dad came back after dropping off Derek and Mr.Hat, we ate some taco
and chat about stuff until we heard a
a snatching on the door,we both look at eachother confused and starting to walk to the door and open to see a corgi puppy!!!

Hat, we ate some tacoand chat about stuff until we heard aa snatching on the door,we both look at eachother confused and starting to walk to the door and open to see a corgi puppy!!!

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We both look at eachother and smile,I bent down and carry the puppy inside while dad close the door.I turn and ask why this little girl was at our door step?,Dad said maybe she smell the food and you can keep her and good thing that your school allow to let ya'll have pets!! I squeal in excitement and hug the puppy so tight that she started to wimp.Oh my gosh!!! I'm so sorry girl. I said while rubbing her head,she bark and rubbing it against my hand.What you going to name her?He said while getting his keys.I naming her Brownie!!!I say while getting on my slippers and picking her up. Alright then let go to pet smart to gets some things and to the vet!!Dad said this while marching to the car.I giggle and said okay!!while going to the car too.(after the shopping and going to the vet,they saw a piece of mail on the ground from the school,they take inside with them and the puppy)
Mr.Cooper's pov
After getting inside and letting the dog eat and putting to bed,we open the envelope up to find a note from the school it said......
Dear Parents and Students
Tomorrow we going to have a pajamas day with the movie in the gym.We going to sell snacks,so much sure they have money with them.Also let them have a two blanket and a pillow with them.We also going to have hot chocolate and you can bring your pet.Have a good day!!

Principal Thompson

Well then let's gets ready for tomorrow and Good Night Dear I said to my daughter as she went upstairs with Brownie,She said good night pops.I smile and went to my room to change and go to sleep.

*The Next Day*
Y/N's pov
I slowly woke up to find Brownie by my side sleeping, I smile and got up.I did my route after taking the shower,I got on my baymax pjs and said ready for my next adventure of school.I ran downstairs with Brownie in my hand

Tone In Next Time

BBS x chubby reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt