scene 2- lost

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Somehow he got separated from Zelda. They had been exploring a little, to get their minds off of things, to distract themselves. And now he didn't know where she was.

Luckily, he still had the wolf with him. Where did she go? He ran around for a while before he gave up trying to find her himself. Maybe making noise would work. He couldn't find anything to use, though, so he mustered up his strength and shouted as loud as he could, which wasn't very loud.
"Zelda! Zelda!"

*Zelda- "Zelda... Zelda..." Was that her name? Was it him? Yes! It was! Well, hopefully it was. But where was he?*

He quickly found it hard to yell any longer. While he had been calling for zelda, it started to sprinkle, then it started coming down harder and harder. Soon, it was pouring. He needed to find shelter. He struggled to find some, but eventually, he found a cave. He sat down against the wall and leaned on the wolf, who had sat down next to him. He had nothing to do, so he thought about things. He knew that he probably shouldn't do that, or he would end up getting stressed out, but what else was there to do?

He was useless and stupid, getting lost like this. He should have been paying attention to Zelda. Maybe... maybe he could've.... hmm... As he thought, he drifted off to sleep.

/(v2)"So, how is he?" (V1)"I'm not completely sure, but-" (v3)"Hey! Whatcha doing? Who's that? Is he the guy you were talking about earlier?" (v1)"Yes, he is, but he's asleep. You need to be quiet." (v3)"Oh. Sorry." (v2)"Anyways, how is he?"/

/He slowly opened his eyes, blinking a few times to adjust to the light. He didn't recognize his surroundings at all. There were several voices in the background, and two of them were close. He sat up, and one of the people that were close to him looked at him and hurried over. "You're awake! How are you feeling?" "Fine." *cough* A kid ran over and said loudly, "It sure doesn't seem like it! Did the rain get to you?" A fourth person, who was walking behind the kid, replied, smiling, "Shut up. Quit bothering them. C'mon." "Alright." The kid sounded disappointed, but he happily followed, skipping along behind him. He looked back at the first guy, who had come back with a bowl. "Tell me the truth this time. How do you really feel?" Instead of speaking again, he signed, "Not that great, but I'm fine, really." "Yeah, right. Here. Eat this." The guy gave him the bowl, which contained soup. He picked up the spoon that was in the bowl and took a sip of the broth. It tasted great, and it was warm. It made him realize how cold he had been. "By the way, it's pumpkin. And you can call me Twilight." What odd name. It was probably just a nickname. "I'm Link," he signed in response. The only reply he got was a smile. "Once you finish that, you should rest." The guy- Twilight- walked back to the other guy that he had been talking to before. He put the bowl down on the table next to him and laid down again, closing his eyes. He was still tired, after all.../

/(v1)"Should I take him back?" (v2)"Yes. She's likely worried sick." (v1)"Yeah, probably. I'll bring him back soon."/

"Oh! He's awake! Finally, I was starting to worry." "Really? Only just now? You've been worrying since before you got back." "Let's just focus on one thing at a time." "You're the one who brought it up, but fine." "Ugh."

"Twilight?" "What do you mean? It's noon." "Where'd he go? How did I get here?" "The wolf brought you here." "Really? I thought I heard him saying that he was going to bring me back." "Who? The wolf?" "No, the Twilight guy." "Who's the Twilight guy?" "He gave me soup." "Really? Are sure you weren't dreaming?" "Yes- *cough*" "Calm down. You shouldn't be yelling like that. You must have been dreaming. Nobody brought you any soup. Actually, that's a good idea. I should make some..." "Zelda! I swear! I... Oh, who cares. It doesn't matter."

Now sitting up, he crossed his arms. Why wasn't she listening to him? If it was important enough for him to say it out loud, it was important enough for her to listen. Maybe she just thought that he was delirious. But he wasn't sick like that. He was just coughing and stuff. Nothing too bad- *cough, cough, cough* Ugh. He sighed, annoyed at... everything. Everything was getting on his nerves.

He fell back, arms outstretched. What was that place and who were those people? He had never seen them before, but they seemed to know him. Were they Yiga members? No, they were nice. The Twilight guy reminded him of the wolf for some reason.

Maybe he was sick like that. This all seemed too weird to be real.

He rolled onto his side and shut his eyes, trying to sleep again. There wasn't much else to do other than sleep.

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