Chapter 25

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Jasmine's POV

I keep strumming different notes together. Ugh! Making songs are so fucking hard! I make different chords for a song but I can't seem to get the lyrics down.

"I'm not greedy, greedy, greedy I just eat too much. I know you say I'm crazy but that is just not such. I'm crazy crazy crazy I don't know the rest. This song is horrid, make it to trash." Is what I sung with the chords.

"That actually wasn't half bad. Just change the lyrics. The chords were excellent." I hear Louis say.

"Thanks. But I don't know if I could do this anymore." I snap at him.

"What are you talking about? It was cool."

"No. I'm talking about us."

"But why?" Louis asks now picking up the change of mood from me.


It all happened when I was on my way to meet my friend Aria when I hear moaning coming from in the girls bathroom. Me being the curious little shit I am, decided to go investigate. I quietly and carefully open the door to the bathroom and just as I'm about to move towards one of the stalls, I hear

"Yes! Yes! Louis! Ugh! Fuck me harder!" A girl moans.

"Shut up before someone hears you." The voice of my boyfriend hisses.

I can't believe it. I can't fucking believe it. I knew Louis was too good to be true. I sneak out quietly while tear are running down my face, making it harder to see and bump into Luke.

"Whats wrong?" He asked sounding genuinely worried

"Just leave me alone. Please don't make this worse." I whimpered trying to get around him.

"Tell me what's wrong."

"Why should I?" I hissed, though it doesn't seem to faze him.

"Well, let me say something. I seriously love you. I do. Believe it or not. You were the best girlfriend, or whatever you were to me, I could've ever asked for. But I just didn't see that. I didn't look for your personality, I just wanted your body. And when you kinda rejected me, I just got mad and called you and slut and a whore. And just told you that I wanted your body. Which was true, but I was just scared. I didn't think that I was capable of loving someone, but I saw a psychiatrist and they said that it's love. And now that I looked at you differently, I can see that it is love. I love you Jasmine Jordyn James. I do." Luke rants.

"I... I... I love you too." I cry latching on to him, crying into his chest.

Then the bell rings signaling the end of 4th hour. Some classes go to lunch and some go to their 5th hour. I have lunch right now and so does Luke, Niall, Liam, Harry, Zayn and....him.

"Want to go get some lunch?" Luke asks wrapping his arm around me.

"Um.." I see from the corner of my eye the bathroom door opening and Louis and the girl walk out. "Sure."


Luke steers me towards the lunch room and I just keep my face in his chest. God. I'm an idiot! Louis cheated on me after he promised that he wouldn't break my heart. Zayn is gonna be so pissed off when he hears this. Anyway Luke steers us to the line and wait for food. After we get our food I look for my brother and his friends, and soon I spot them. I make my way to the table and I can feel Luke trailing behind me, not feeling quite sure. I glance back at him and smile.

"Hey guys." I greet.

"Hey Jasmine, and....Luke?" Liam greets but ends in a question.

"Oh, you guys don't mind if Luke sits here do you?"

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