Chapter 4

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Jasmine's POV

"I have a sister. That I didn't even know about." Zayn said to no one in particular. "Yes you do and by the way I can see a resemblance." The boy with the curly hair said while staring at me.

"I don't appreciate people staring at me. Especially if I don't know you." I said. "Well sorry, love my name is Harry Styles." He said. "I'm Liam." The boy with hair that looked kinda like Harry's.

"I'm Louis." The boy wearing stripes said. "And this is Zayn, which you've already obviously met." "I'm Niall." The boy with blonde hair said. "Yeah I met you already." I said.

"Yeah not the best first impression." he said. "So what's your name?" Louis asked. "Well my name is Jasmine James."I said.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Harry said. "Oh shut up you just met her." Liam said. "Well then we need to get to know her." Harry said.

"Well I'm 15. I love to sing, draw, dance, play sports, and fashion. My middle name is Jordan. Zack and I are related by our father."

"It's Zayn." Liam said. "Does it look like I care." I said. "Not really." "Correct!" I said.

"What else do you want to know?" I asked. "Well do you have a boyfriend?" Harry asked. "No but I don't want one."

"And she isn't dating you!!" Zayn finally said. "So you finally talk and that's what you say?!?!!!!" Harry said. "Yes and it's final."

"Why did you move here?" Louis asked curiously. "Well long story short, My mom died and Dad is no where to be found. So here I am."

"Well we have a guest room and now I guess it's yours." Liam said. "Well if you are 15 who's car is outside?" Niall asked. "Well ... um ... you see I'm turning 16 in February so that's when I'll be getting my license." I said awkwardly.

"So you drove here with a learner's permit?" I nodded. "Do you know how dangerous and illegal that is?" Zayn said worriedly. "Yes but I didn't want to spend my money on a driver when I'm a perfectly good one." I argued back.

"This is going to be good. No one ever wins an argue with Zayn." Louis said while I was fussing with Zayn.

I held a finger in Zayn's face meaning hold on. He stopped talking and I said, "Shut up Louis I'm the best arguer ever. I win arguments against my mom and principal, teachers, supervisors and everyone! So shut up Louis!" I said before going back to argue with Zayn.

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