Chapter 21

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Jasmine's POV

"Well?" Zayn starts. "We want an explanation. How did this happen?"

"Yeah. last thing I knew, Louis kissed you and you got mad and left off to school." Harry chimes in.

"We're waiting." Zayn states, getting impatient.

"Remember that time you told me to pick up Jasmine from school?" Louis starts.

Zayn nods his head. So Louis continues his explanation and the other lads listen too.

"Yeah, she was still mad at me. So I pulled over and apologized and I kissed her and she finally kissed back. So then after I asked if that meant that I was her boyfriend now and she said yes." Louis explains looking at me with a smile.

"Okay." Zayn didn't have anything else to say.

"How about we eat? Yeah, let's eat." Niall said.

"Really, Niall? All you think about is food!" I exclaim.

"Hey! I can't help it! I'm a growing lad!" Niall argues back.

"Yeah, how about we order pizza?" Liam suggested.

"That's perfect. Jasmine, when we finish eating the pizza, can you wash the dishes cause Simon is coming over." Niall says.

"Why do I have to do it? Why can't you or Liam or Harry?" I argue.

"I don't know. You were the first person to come to my mind." Niall shrugs.

"Oh gee thank Nialler."

"Anytime babe."

"Oi! That's my girlfriend you're talking too." Louis snaps pulling me into his side.

"Aww! Is someone a little jelly fish?" I exclaim using a baby voice.


"Don't be jealous babe. He's only joking."

"This is going to take a lot of getting used too." Zayn groans.

"How about this?"

Zayn looks up and I pull Louis in for a kiss. The other lads all groan and pretend to gag as Louis and I share a kiss. I can hear Zayn groaning, saying that he needs to get a girlfriend and Liam, Niall and Harry agree. Soon I just block them out and focus on kissing my boyfriend. Louis' lips are soft yet rough against mine but I love it. He tastes like strawberries and mint. My two favorite flavors.


"Dang, how many pizzas did you order?" I asked.

"Well, me and Zayn always share one, Niall has his own, Louis and Harry always share one and I ordered one for you to have by yourself." Liam said.

"Wow. Well, let's eat." I said.

I ate four pieces before I started to get full, but I finished. Liam and Zayn got cheese and pepperoni, Niall got the meat lovers special, Louis and Harry got just plain cheese. Zayn got me veggies, meat and cheese.

"Dang, you finished your food before Niall did." Liam said.

"My type of woman." Niall said and Louis gives him a death glare as well as swats him on the head. "Ow! Damn I was just kidding." .

"Okay, just making sure." Louis said.

When we finished, I grabbed everyone's plates and put them in the dishes. They had all kind of dirty dishes from the week before. They don't like to do the dishes because they are lazy arses. So I have to do it, as well as the laundry because they don't want to do work.

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