Trees and predators!? 1

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My head was heavy as I awoke.

What had happened?

I felt like a steam roller had crushed my entire body into a flat mess.

I could barely move a muscle, they ached so badly.

I slowly moved my arm to feel around, wincing in pain as I did so.

I felt where I was lying, it was rough, and scratched my palms as I ran them across it.

I slowly started opening my blurry and practically useless eyes.

I could barely make anything out, I saw a patch of green blur and some brown as well.

Where the heck was I?!

I moved my hand up to my face and rubbed my eyes, but it was useless, my eyes wouldn't clear.

I took a deep breath in hoping it would be a useful hint as to where I was.

It smelled fresh, outdoorsy.

Blinking several times my eyes started to clear, I could see some shapes now. Above me looked to be leaves and behind that was a bright morning sky.

My torso strained as I struggled to sit up, looking around I realized where I was.

Stuck in a tree, thirty feet in the air.

How the heck did I even get up here!?

"Oh your awake, I was starting to worry that you were dead" A faint voice cut in.

I whipped my head around to see where the small voice had come from.

And sitting right in front of me was a small bear cub!

Surely I was hallucinating.

"Uh, come again?" I asked, praying that this was all just a dream and that I hadn't lost my mind.

"I said I was worried you had died, and that I came all this way for nothing."

It... it spoke again!

Okay I have lost it... Bears can't talk!

I just sat there like an idiot, unable to say another word.

This was all just too weird for me.

The bear just look at me and cocked its head.

He stood up, making the branch sway as he looked down at the earth below us.

I flinched and grabbed the branch as best as I could as it swayed slightly.

"Um, I hate to bug you when you have just woken up, but... can we get down now?" His voice rang out again.

I looked to the ground far below us, and had to turn away cause I started to get light headed at the sheer hight of it.

I swallowed hard, deciding that staying silent wouldn't make me any more sane.

"... H-how?" I finally choked out.

It looked down again before answering, "Climb?"

Haha, no.

There was no way that I would climb down this gigantic tree, I don't even think its humanly possible!

"You're joking right?" I looked at him bluntly.

"Okay if climbing is out, how do you propose we get down?" His stare bore into me, his big dark brown eyes looking so innocent, almost human.

His fur glistened in the morning light, only a shade lighter than his eyes.

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