Dean Winchester (New and Old)

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You had a new boyfriend.

It was no big secret.

You were around the hunter community, and they all knew about your previous relationship with Dean Winchester.

You had dated Dean about a year ago.

You had a new boyfriend now. His name was Brody.

You two had been together six months already.

You were so happy.

You showed him off to the hunter community, so they would stop talking about you and Dean.

However, that came back to bite you in the ass.

Dean caught news of you and your new boyfriend.

He didn't believe it at first.

He hadn’t moved on, so he assumed you hadn't either.

Dean had loved you, but he had been too afraid to love you.

He pushed you away too much, so you just left.

When Dean saw a picture of you and Brody kissing, his heart hurt.

Sam had never seen such determination in his brother’s eyes as he did when he watched Dean get into the Impala to get you back.

You never thought Dean had loved you.

He treated you so coldly and was so distant, you thought you were just a lay.

You, never in your wildest dreams, would have imagined Dean would come back for you.

It was the dead of night when Dean parked in front of your house.

You and Brody were sleeping in your bed, cuddling nicely.

The sound of footsteps woke the both of you.

Brody wordlessly sat up and was about to grab the baseball bat next to the bed, when a hand pushed him back down.

You gasped and looked up at Dean.

"Dean Winchester? What the fuck are you doing here?" You growled.

"You know him?" Brody asked, astonished.

"He's my ex boyfriend," you answered.

"Why did he break into your house?" Brody asked.

"I have no idea," you hissed.

"Because I want my girl back," Dean said.

"I'm with Brody now. We broke up a year ago, Dean. Move on," you sighed.

Dean glared at Brody.

Brody grabbed his stuff quickly.

"Brody? Baby, where are you going?" You asked.

"Home. I'm sorry, Y/N, but this is all too crazy for me," Brody answered.

Brody bolted for the door and you chased after him.

"Brody, please!" You begged.

He just left.

You turned to Dean, angry.

You pounded on his chest, tears falling.

"You stupid, son of a bitch! You couldn’t just stay away and let me be happy, could you? Had to watch me suffer more?" You spat.

Dean sat on the floor and pulled you onto his lap, letting you cry into his chest.

"Y/N, I am so sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I just love you so much. I couldn't stand the thought of you being happy with someone else. Guess I screwed up even more, huh?" Dean asked, sadly.

"I still love you, too, you ass,"you whispered.

Dean lifted your chin.

He pressed his lips to yours.

"Whaddya say? One more chance?" Dean asked.

You nodded.

"I believe we have some night time cuddling to do?" Dean asked.

A night in the arms of Dean Winchester?

Who could ask for more?

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