Percy Jackson (Gym)

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You were in school with your new friend Percy Jackson. You were both the only new kids, so it was easy to hang out together.

You were currently in gym class.

The teacher was telling everyone the activity of the day.

“Dodgeball,” he grinned.

You cursed under your breath.

Percy winked at you, making you chuckle.

“Cut it out, love birds,” a jock hissed at you two.

You blushed.

You kind of liked Percy, but he worried you. Sometimes he went into long dazes and he kept a lot of secrets. So you didn’t know what to think sometimes.

The game began and as balls were tossed at you, your senses went into hyperdrive.

You dodged them easily and when you picked up a ball or caught one, you tossed it at the hardest targets to get them out of the way first.

Gym was over quickly, but you were the only remaining student because Coach wanted to talk to you.

He turned his back to you as you walked up to him.

When he turned around to face you, his face was twisted and disgusting.

You screamed and tried to run, but he was suddenly in front of you.

You screamed again.

“Y/N!” you heard.

Percy came running in with a pen.

“A pen?!” You exclaimed.

The pen turned into a sword.

“I take that back!” you said, as Coach lifted you up by your throat.

“Get away from my girlfriend!” Percy shouted, stabbing him.

You fell to the ground.

Percy helped you up.

“Girlfriend, huh?” you asked.

He blushed.

“Well, I’ve wanted to do this for a long time,” he spoke, kissing you.

“As much as I loved that, want to tell me why I almost got killed by a thing?” you breathed.

“I’ll explain on the way,” he told you.

He took your hand and pulled you out of the gym.

“Where are we going?” you asked.


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