Tenth Doctor (for xXEleventhDoctorXx)

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You and the Doctor had been together for a year. At least, that was how long you were together when Rose returned from her dimension. She had been on board the TARDIS again from 6 months. You could practically taste the drift between you and the Doctor. The room you once both shared, was his alone once again. They often forgot you in the TARDIS, going on adventures alone. You felt like a third wheel when you three did journey together.

You had become constantly glued to your phone, turning to your childhood best guy friend for comfort. Since you reached out, you two were always talking. This allowed Rose the chance she was waiting for, getting the Doctor back.

“Y/N,” the Doctor called your attention from your phone.

You looked up at him from your phone.

“Yes?” you asked.

“Rose and I are going on a picnic, want to come with us?” he asked.

You were about to answer when your phone rang with a message. You saw the Doctor’s pleading eyes and silenced your phone.

“Sure,” you smiled.

He laughed and took your hand, holding the basket in the other.

“Allonsy,” he said.

You, the Doctor, and Rose sat down to a picnic. You went to sit next to the Doctor, but Rose took the seat quickly. You said nothing and sat across from the two.

The Doctor and Rose struck up a conversation about how much they loved each other’s company, and completely forgot your presence. You turned back to your phone and texting Brandon, your guy best friend. It wasn’t long until your phone was nsatched from your hands.

“What?” you asked, confused.

You looked over to see Rose holding your phone. You snatched it back.

“Y/N!” the Doctor snapped, “That was rude!”

You gave the Doctor an incredulous look.

“Are you kidding me? Did you not see her take it from me?” you asked.

“She was just playing,” he defended Rose, “Maybe you should just stay in the TARDIS.”

“What the hell?” you gasped.

“Yeah, you’re ruining the Doctor and I’s date,” Rose added.

“She’s right,” the Doctor nodded.

“Pardon me, but last i checked, I was your girlfriend,” you reminded him.

“Well, maybe he just loves me more. Did you ever think of that?” Rose asked.

You watched the Doctor remain silent.

“Fine. I hope you’re happy together,” you said.

You went back to the TARDIS and allowed for it to take your home just a day after you had originally left, before watching it go back to the Doctor.

You cried yourself to sleep that night.

You woke up and got dressed, ready to adjust back to your old, average life. However, when you opened the door, the Doctor was standing there, holding a bouquet of alien flowers.

You rolled your eyes and walked passed him, but he stepped in front of your path.

“What do you want?” you growled.

“I want my lovely girlfriend to come back to me,” he said.

“Go find Rose,” you growled.

“I brought her back to her new dimension. She’s back where she belonged,” he said.

You bit your lip lightly, in thought.

“Y/N, i was a complete fool. And i know i messed up, but my hearts just don’t beat right without you,” he said.

You were quiet.

“I love you. With both my hearts. And nothing, and no one, will ever change that. What do you say? Be mine again?” he asked.

“Of course,” you smiled, kissing him.

Your phone rang.

The Doctor frowned.

“Who is that?” he asked.

You tossed your phone inside your house before locking the door one last time.

“No one,” you answered.

“Ready to go?” he asked.

“Allons Y!”

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