Chapter Three

Beginne am Anfang

She'd only had three drinks by the time the other customers in the bar began chanting the countdown to the new year. A couple of seconds after she dodged a new years kiss from a complete stranger, Sophia made her way outside for some fresh air and as she did, she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket. Once again, there was a text message from the same unknown number who had sent her the Merry Christmas message. This time it read Happy New Year. Without another thought crossing her mind, she clicked the number and waited for the line to connect.

"Hello?" A familiar raspy voice said through the phone, although she couldn't place the voice to a face.

"Who is this and why do you keep texting me?" She slurred.

"Miss Jenkins," his voice sliced through the air and as if he were standing beside her, goosebumps shot up her arms, and she shivered. "Are you intoxicated?"

"How do you know my name?" She shouted.

"Answer my question." She chose to stay silent, ignoring his question. "Where are you?"

"By a green fountain, oh wait nope it's blu-" The line went quiet before she had a chance to finish her sentence. "Hello?"


He paced through his apartment pulling on a grey NYU sweatshirt and slipped his feet into a pair of sneakers that were on the shoe rack by the door. He scooped up his car keys and raced to the parking garage. He dialled the number again but it connected to voicemail and he threw his phone into the passenger's seat out of anger. She had called him and woken him up and somehow he wasn't furious, as hearing her voice had made all of that okay. Usually, he would have cursed the individual on the end of the line for calling at such an hour, but the fact that it was Sophia only evoked warm feelings within him. Noah sped down the relatively empty street at just past midnight to a bar he'd been to before. Fortunately, he was able to recall the pub she was talking about; he'd been there a few times during his college days. And he knew from that experience that it wasn't a place a woman as attractive as Sophia should be, especially alone and drunk.

As he rounded the corner, the luminous blue light of the fountain met his eyes and he parked his car with two wheels on the curb. He noticed Sophia's slim form sitting on a wall that contained a planter with white flowers. Beside her on the floor was a young woman, her head rested on her knees, her face a greenish colour. Noah's car was parked in a no-parking zone but he didn't care, he'd only be stopped there for a couple of minutes. A bouncer walked up to him and told him he had to move the car, instead of explaining the situation he pulled $50 from his wallet and handed it to the tall man. It was as if there was an unspoken understanding between them as the man slipped the bill into his pocket and resumed his position outside the door with a nod.

"I'm taking you home," he said as he approached the two women. She didn't put up a fight nor speak instead she just nodded and allowed him to take her to the car. He helped her into the passenger's seat and then helped Jasmine. By the time they were on their way back to their apartment Jasmine was out cold in the back seat and Sophia was sat with her head rested on the window and her eyes were barely open.

He decided to help them into the apartment after he stood patiently watching her trying to open the door with a key she repeatedly dropped. Noah didn't stay for long, once he had helped Jasmine inside and onto the couch and Sophia into her bedroom. He wrote a short note onto a post-it and stuck it onto the fridge before leaving. He was tired once he arrived back at his apartment, but he couldn't sleep. He thought once his head hit the pillow he would be out cold, but that wasn't the case. His mind once again drifted to Sophia and why he'd sent both the Merry Christmas message and the Happy New Year one. He'd made sure she'd got home safely- as well as her friend- but he couldn't help but feel sick to his stomach. He'd saved her from potential danger that night, from men who would have taken advantage of a beautiful drunk girl on New Years Eve. But he knew that she was still in danger from the man she'd been running from, from the man she feared, and making one move to save her from danger wouldn't justify the ones he'd taken to put her in it.


Noah had logged into his company's system from his home computer on Christmas Eve while he sat alone with a glass of whiskey in one hand, and felt compelled to look her up. He'd googled her name but the results came up empty. He even typed her name into Facebook, but she hadn't got a profile. It was only after he couldn't find any details about her that he contacted someone he knew could. He contacted a private investigator who got back to him within the hour with all of the details about her life. Some he already knew but others were foreign to him and soon enough he found himself engrossed with the details as if he were reading the story of her life. The ways he found out about her past hadn't been ideal, and he hated that she couldn't have told him herself. Noah wished she would trust him with that information and it was obvious that one small act of kindness he'd shown on that evening would never make up for the future danger she was in. He hated himself more and more as each day passed. His life had been so simple before her, he was a businessman, that was all. But now he was a victim, on the receiving end of blackmail, and all the money in the world couldn't put a stop to the inevitable. Night after night, he scribbled onto countless sheets of paper ways he could help and soon enough, the stack became far too tall to fit into his bedside table. Paper was scattered across his room, on the floor and even in the bathroom. The maid he had clean his apartment was forbidden from the room because he felt ashamed of his actions and inside, he was scared of being judged. That morning on the first of January a new year dawned and he drifted to sleep with a notebook on his stomach, a pen in hand, trying to write an apology he knew he would need.

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