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This is the age of saving screenshots
of your favourite person
singing your favourite song.
Screenshots of your crush
being so damn hot and gorgeous
on the Instagram.
Screenshots of the proofs
of your arguments,
a screenshot of the truth,
but well, they keep it for a reason;
that they can effortlessly
turn it into a convincing lie.

Get it done, touch it up,
add some captions and here we go-
in the studio of camera flashes,
on comfy seats but uncomfortable ambience,
with eyes all glued on you,
with people around you
asking on how it goes viral.

Bickering between two unnecessary stuffs,
pressing the red button on desirable decision,
practising everyday to become a warrior—
the mighty warrior of keyboard,
expertise in the art of spreading hoax,
hurting jokes,
terrible shaming,
and bullying.

This is the age of virtual life
in which it hurts in there
and it's pretty hard in reality too.

This is the age of saving screenshots
for you to cherish those moments
you don't want to forget,
be it good or not,
it's there.

noirnc - (poetry) [edited]Where stories live. Discover now