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Do you think it is love?
When you don't even have
time to embrace,
memories to cherish,
moments to experience,
with those who stand beside you.

You may find someone to love
but you aren't loved,
as what you show is all grimaces
and the frown you always keep on your face.

Is it empathy?
When you can't even
display your emotions,
share your feelings,
express your sympathy
for those
who are more unfortunate
and have less in life.

You may seem sad
but you don't cry
and the tears are nowhere
to be found,
as the empathy is not genuine.
far more to be demonstrated.

Is it that we called humanity?
When you suppress your feelings
to show mercy,
you withhold the time
to find the remedy
for the ones that you have hurt.

You can't be called a human
if you keep torturing without reason,
without apprehension,
and without logic.

You tend to feel nothing
as if your cruelty rules everything.

What about them?
Have you ever realised
the damage that has been done?

The loss of great love
from someone who pecks their cheeks
and wishes good luck everyday in their weeks...
What scars have been planted there?

In the heart that sees sorrow,
that they wish you to understand,
but you reacted zero.

That they hold for a lending hand,
but you push them down below

And what lie beneath is not there?
When you only see the worst
and you act before thinking first.

The moment they look up to you,
you would never know
your sense to love and to empathy
will be washed away if you expel your humanity.

Shame on you!
Shame on me!

But...there's still time.
Wake up people!
Instil the love!
Instil the empathy!
Instil the humanity!

Spread the love!
Spread the empathy!
Spread the humanity!

Love and empathy;
the necessities,
not luxuries.
Without them,
humanity will die

Open your heart,
open your mind,
open your soul.

You can change it,
you can start it-
now or never.

Before everything
becomes empty,
and the dying soul
will die tragically.

noirnc - (poetry) [edited]Where stories live. Discover now