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If memories can be easily erased,
then I'd be happy
to just constantly remember
even for just a moment
before it all fades away.

I wish some occurrences
or people
can be forgotten
– so easily,
like how trust can get betrayed
and how love can turn into a disappointment.

All these years these scenes
of various plays and dramas
and all the words that had been said,
keeps flashing in my mind.

All the time, like there's no option
either to run or to hide,
but all I have to do
is to survive.

If I can forget so easily,
then I should've known
that it feels
kinda good to be forgotten.
'Cause sometimes things don't work in one way.

If I could shut it all down;
my life, my mind, my body, my soul,
wouldn't everything turn out better?
If I could forget it all now;
everyone and everything around me,
then I would.

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