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You wanted them to hear you sing,
the song you won for the contest you joined,
but all you heard was a quarrel
about stupid little problem.

You wanted them to hug you tight
in the coldness when it was raining so heavily,
but all you got were yells and curses
between them two who never wanted to lose.

You wanted them to laugh with you
about the joke your friend just told you,
but all they did was being sarcastic
that their laughter wasn't genuine.

They wanted you to sit with them
watching TV shows
or listening to the radio,
but when you did
all you watched was a drama starring them two,
or you listened to their illogical arguments.

You started to hide yourself
in the corner, curled up like a ball,
you faked your smile
and deep inside you cried.

They never noticed,
but when they did,
they asked you why,
but they never knew that
they were the reasons behind it all.

You wanted them to realise
but they never did.
You wanted to turn their attention
from bickering on little stuffs
from debating on unrealistic opinions
– to you,
you wanted their attention
and you wanted them
to listen to you
to hug you tight
to tuck you in bed
to read you bedtime stories
to smile and be happy for your success.

Attention—that was what you dreamed of.
from them; to you.

noirnc - (poetry) [edited]Where stories live. Discover now