SEVENTEEN: Family Reunion

Start from the beginning

I let out low growls as I tried to calm myself down.

I started the tap in the bathroom and let the water flush out the glass shards that were stuck in my skin.

"Agh!" I screamed out in frustration as I thought about Caleb's stupidity.

How dare he put all the blame on Eric. Of coarse he wouldn't think that his precious Ruby was to blame.

"Stupid Ruby... Stupid f*cking Caleb... stupid mate bond!" I hissed as I picked out each shard of glass from my hands.

"Sophia... Soph are you ok?" Kai knocked on the door a few times "Caleb and I are here, do you need someone's help?" He asked, worry evident in his voice.

My lip twitched slightly as I threw the door open.

"Does it look like I need help?" I snapped as I showed them my palms.

Kai looked at the small gashes that would be healed in a few days with a simple nod and small smile.

Caleb on the other hand, well he looked at the small cuts and frowned deeply. I could tell he wanted to lick my wounds to make them heal faster by the way he licked his lips.

"I can take care of myself, thanks" I snarled as I brought my hands to my lips and licked the wounds clean.

Kai smirked softly as he looked over at his brother, who began to blink slowly while his jaw gapped open.

I left Caleb practically drooling as I made my way back into the kitchen to inhale some pancakes.

How he could reject the mate bond so easily to now be drooling over small actions I make, I will never understand.

"Are you insane?!" Eric growled as he paced the room.

Kai and Caleb has just suggested that Eric and I go back to the Storm pack with them.

"Ruby is saying that you are the one that manipulated her... she's saying that you made her drink a position as well!" Caleb snapped back, also pacing the room.

"You don't... you don't still believe her do you?!" Eric and Caleb stopped dead in their tracks at Kai's words.

Caleb refuses to look anywhere but the floor.

Eric and Kai both looked at me hesitantly.


He didn't say anything.

"Do you?!" I asked quietly.

Is this boy for real?!

He is still holding onto her... defending her... believing her... choosing her...

He squeezed his eyes shut at my voice.

"I... I don't know what to believe... I just don't know..." Caleb threw his head back, keeping his eyes closed as he rubbed his face roughly.

"I'm so f*cking over this shit!" I growled out as I tried to make an exit.

Tried being the key word.

Caleb grabbed ahold on my wrist, stopping me from taking another step.

"I'm sorry Sophia, this is all so confusing for me... please try to understand what I have to go through... I was in love with her for years, she was my mate for years... I... I don't want to just forget that... forget her..." Caleb genuinely seemed heartbroken and I actually understood.

I understood that she was all he knew for years and he had built a life with this girl, it would be incredibly hard for him to go through this...

"I get it... I really do understand how hard this must be for you..." I placed my hand on his cheek "but do you feel that? Do you feel this?" I asked as I placed my other hand on his neck, "how about this?" I asked again as I slithered my hand up his shirt and rested it onto his chest.

Tingles shot up my arm as my hand became warm, his fast heartbeat pumping against my hand.

"You are all I have ever known... and you have been practically rejecting our bond since the day we met... I have been forced to watch you with her. I have been forced to watch you choose her and mark her and mate her... all while you belittled me." I leant my body against his, warmth and tingles drowning me.

"I don't know what you felt when you touched her but I'm sure it was nothing compared to what I could make you feel..." I teased as I whispered into his ear, letting my lip touch his skin softly.

I could feel him shudder as he wrapped his arms around me "oh my goddess, it was truly nothing compared to how this feels" he replied as he leant his cheek against mine.

I pulled back slightly so that our lips were only a whisper apart, "if that isn't enough to open your eyes... then you don't deserve my touch!" I snapped as I peeled myself away from Caleb's hold.

He blinked his eyes quickly, trying to regain some control of his thoughts.

"I am so sick of feeling like I'm not enough!" I gripped my hair tightly.

"I am just so sick and tired of all of this!" I could feel tears pricking my eyes and I furiously blinked them away.

"Sophia I'm sor-"

"If you tell me you're sorry one more time I'm going to bite your tongue off" I snapped, sending a murderous look his way.

"I think we need to head back to our pack" Kai said as he pushed himself out of the chair he was occupying and making his way between us.

"I think we would all benefit from discussing this with our parents, Sophia, your family has already made the journey to our pack" he added, sending me a small smile.

He knew how much I missed my family.

"I'll go and pack my bags" I said quickly as I jogged out of the room.

Time for a family reunion!


Hey little sweets!

I have a few days off work and I have finally settled into my new apartment so you guys will be getting frequent updates for a little while!

Now after these few days, I will be going back to working 50 hours a week so I will be trying my hardest to keep updates frequent but I apologise in advance if they space out a little again.


Please don't ever doubt that this story won't be finished because it will be. I promise.

Thank you all for the love and support!


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