36) Forever Family

246 9 79

December 21

Fannys POV•

We're in a courtroom. Today is the day. If the state approves, I'll be adopted.

The judge has yet to enter. Everyone wanted to be let in, but they have a policy that only direct family is allowed. I'm up in the booth in front with Alexander and Eliza. All of my soon-to-be-siblings were in the pews in the back. Will and Lizzy had trouble staying still, they wanted to run around and play. Angie and Alex had to reel them in. Philip was off to the side in the handicapped section in his wheelchair. The Laurens, Uncle James, and Aunt Angelica were with us also. Everybody else was outside.

I tugged nervously at my sleeves. Its scary. I know its supposed to be one of the best days in my life, but I'm terrified. I looked up at Alexander. "What do I do?" "Just breathe. its all going to be fine." He said. I looked at Eliza, her hand was on her bump. "Thought of any names?" "Yeah, we....we're going with your suggestion."






"Yeah!" She smiled, then winced as she put her hand back on her stomach. "Oh God, whats wrong?! You need something? Is it early labor?!" Alexander began to freak out. "Calm down, honey. It was just a kick. He just kicked hard." She said, softly. He breathed a sigh of relief and sat next to her, talking to the bump. "You scared the bejesus out of me, you know that? You're gonna be a prankster, huh?" I giggled a bit.

The guard came in the room. "All rise!" This was it. Its happening. We all stood up as the judge entered. Well, except Philip for obvious reasons. "This court is now in session with the Honorable Judge James P. Sullivan residing."

"Thank you all kindly, you all may be seated." We all sat back down. "Alexander and Elizabeth Hamilton, you are asking the state to legally adopt Frances Antill." "Yes, your honor." "Please come up to the stand."

Alexander went up to the stand.

"State your full name." "Alexander Hamilton." "Occupation?" "Lawyer, sir." "And what is your reasoning to adopt this young lady?"

"Well, your honor, I never had a real childhood growing up. My father was in and out until he left for good. My mother died, and I became lost in the system. I....I met this young lady after a snowstorm. I've seen so much of myself in her, and she's made out whole family better. We all love her." The Judge looked at him while adjusting his glasses slightly.

"You may be seated." He left the stand and went back to us. "Elizabeth Hamilton, please come to the stand." She stood up, with the help of Alexander, and walked over to the stand. "Please state your full name." "Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton." "Occupation?" "Full-time mother." "Ma'am, that's not-" She shot him a death glare.

"YOU try birthing seven children and being pregnant with a child at the moment, and having to parent six children at home while maintaining a household." He looked genuinely scared. ".....Never mind. Why do you want to adopt this child?"

"The same reason, your honor. She's special to us. And we love her as our own. She's our daughter. We love her, your honor. Please, we want to be her parents." He nodded. "Please be seated." She went back to her seat.

"Court will take a short recess to process information." He left the stand.

I twiddled my thumbs. What if they say they're unfit? I don't wanna go back.

After five minutes, he came back. "Mr Hamilton, please come to the stand." He went back up. "Place your hand on the Bible and raise your other hand." He did as he was told. "Do you promise to care for Frances Antill, to take care of her educational and medical needs, and be her legal guardian, so help you God?" "I do."

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