5) (Kinda) Big Brother

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(Philips POV)

I held the hot pasta casserole tray in my gloved hands. I pulled on a red beanie hat and zipped my coat up. With the storm going on, I decided I would take dinner to my folks.....and drop some interesting news. Plus, I wanted to meet the new kid they've been talking about. I was excited when I heard of their decision to foster a child.

I stepped outside my dormitory building and waited for my ride. Suddenly, a beat up van with rock-and-roll number stickers all over it pulled up with a swerve, spraying slush on my boots. The window rolled down to reveal Dewey. "Hey P-Ham! Get in The Jett!" He yelled. The Jett is what he calls his car, after the famous rock star, Joan Jett.

Dewey Finn, my music teacher. He's the kind of teacher that has secret handshakes with every student, the first teacher to notice when a student is struggling, and he never lets you call him 'Mr Finn'. That's his father. We call him Mr Dewey, Dewey, or D-Man. If it wasn't for him, I would still be struggling with Shakespearean language. I saw some old sonnet, he saw an angry break-up song. To be honest, it helped me interpret things a lot better. He also brings his guitar everywhere, he finds a song out of everything. I still can't get the math song out of my head.

I opened the car door as the smell of leather and pizza hit me. I sat in shotgun. "Hey, Dewey." "P-Ham! Hows it going?!" I set down the tray carefully so I could perform my handshake with Dewey. "Have you been listening to the piano riffs in the Billy Joel album I gave you?" "Yep, I gotta admit, its awesome. Now, as promised, you gotta listen to some of my music."

He pulled out of the campus grounds and into the street. "Fine, what'chu got, soul brother?" I pulled up a song on my Bluetooth speaker as he mimicked a bass guitar sound on the radio. I placed it on the dashboard and started to do an air guitar riff.

"All right, all right.....all right, all right........" I then began to head bag, my curly hair getting in my face. "All right, all right, its a hell of a feeling though! Its a hell of a feeling though! All right, all right, its a hell of a feeling though! Its a hell of a feeling though!" Dewey looked at me. "Panic! At The Disco! I love these guys!"

On the way to my parents, we lip-sang along, garnering looks from confused drivers. We didn't care. "Memories tend to just pop up, Drunk pre-meds and some rubber gloves, Five-thousand people with designer drugs, Don't think I'll ever get enough!" We stopped at a red light and began headbanging to the chorus.

"Champagne, cocaine, gasoline! And most things in between! I roam the city in a shopping car, A pack of camels and a smoke alarm! This night is heating up! Raise hell and turn it up! Saying "If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe!" Oh yeah! Don't threaten me with a good time!"

We kept singing along, but I stopped for a while. Something happened today, and I was still having trouble processing it. I looked over to see Dewey was having a fun time. I continued on, not wanting to ruin the fun.

"I'm a scholar and a gentleman, and I usually don't fall when I try to stand....." "I lost a bet to a guy in a Chiffon skirt, but I make these high heels work!" I sang, propping my feet up on the dashboard.

"I've told you time and time again, I'm not as think as you drunk I am! And we all fell down when the sun came up, I think we've had enough........Alright, alright, it's a hell of a feeling though, It's a hell of a feeling though! Alright, alright, it's a hell of a feeling though!" Dewey went extra by holding a rock-style high note. We got a lot of looks from strangers, who heard it from the open window. I mimicked the drum riff by drumming on the glove compartment.

"Saying "If you go out you might pass out in a drain pipe!" Oh yeah, don't threaten me with a good time!" Just as the song finished, we hit traffic. "Well, P-Ham, looks likes you're stuck with boring old Mr Finn." "Aw, you're not boring!" "Well, for now, I gotta be. You seem off. Talk to me. Doctor Dewey is in." I sighed. He rolled up the windows. "Whats said in the Jett says in the Jett. Is it school? Family?" Well, I had to talk about it at one point. "Well....theres this girl...."

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