20) Partner In Crime

100 9 32

June 31

(Johns POV)

(No, not John Laurens, John Hamilton)

I heard the tapping of Fannys fingernails on the table as she read with Mom. "'Your mother is a queen among women," Poseidon said wistfully. "I had not met such a mortal woman in a thousand years. Still...I am sorry you were born, child. I have brought you a hero's fate, and a hero's fate is never happy.' How was that?" She asked, bouncing up and down in place on her seat, making a squeaking noise.

Don't let it bug you....remember what Dr Valdez said, breathe in for five, out for six.

"That was awesome!" Mom said to her, they high fived loudly. The sound of Fanny tapping her foot got me irritated. She doesn't know I have misophonia, so its not her fault. But why is it..so.....dang....irritating?!

After a while of her tapping her foot and drumming her nails, I threw my summer homework packet down and snapped. "WOULD YOU STOP THAT?! ITS DRIVING ME NUTS!"

She Ssopped as Mom looked at me with a stern look. Fannys eyes watered, and she ran to her room, slamming the door.

"John Church Hamilton, is that how you talk?!" Mom said. When she uses your full name, you know you're in trouble. I kinda used to giggle when she would say Philips full name, on account his middle name is Sebastian. Dads a HUGE 'Little Mermaid' fan, so, of course, he gave him the middle name after the crab. Fun fact, Philips original name was going to be Flounder or Eric. But Mom wouldn't let him.

Thats why Alexs middle name is Eric. And Angies middle name is Ariel. Wait, I'm getting off track here....

"Why did you yell at her? You couldn't have asked politely? She didn't know!" "I'm sorry. I just got so overloaded." I mumbled. "I understand, but thats not how we express how we feel. This is out of character for you, you usually ask politely to stop the sound." I looked away.

I guess its because I'm a bit jealous that Fannys been getting all the attention. I mean, being the fifth child in a family of seven, I don't always get the attention. Its fine, though. I prefer to be alone sometimes. Okay, being alone sucks. My oldest brother and closest friend is all the way upstate, my sister moved out two weeks ago to live with a friend until college starts, I got no one. The two most important people in my life are gone to new parts of life.

"I know you were overwhelmed, I don't blame you for that. But we do not shout because we are mad. Okay? Go to your room to calm down a bit, turn on your white noise, use the breathing technique Ms Valdez gave you, and come back when you're ready. You want me in there with you?" Sometimes I need help to calm down, and either Mom or Dad are in there with me to help me breathe. Usually Dad, since he has had panic attacks before. But hes at work. This is the part I hate about summer. Being away from Dad.

I went in mine and James shared room, closed my door, turned on the white noise machine, and laid face down on my bed. I felt really bad for yelling at Fanny. She looked really hurt. I mean, I know shes older than me, but I still felt really bad.

I buried my head in the pillows, wanting to just fall asleep and hope it was a dream. Alex walked in. "Hey James, I got some free time until I gotta go in for my summer job. You wanna play some 'Cuphead'?" I shook my head. "Whats wrong?" I flipped myself up to face the ceiling. "I did something stupid." "What did you do?" "I yelled at Fanny when she was making noise." "Oof." "Yeah."

We were silent for a moment. "I miss Philip. This is the part where he would walk in and tell me something encouraging while eating out of the Nutella jar. And Angie. She would always be here to listen." Alex sat next to me. "I know, Johnny. I miss them too. A lot. Can I be honest? I kinda cried last night because I missed them." I sat up. "We'll see them again, right?" "Yeah, they'll be back soon. I hope....." I realized that its a matter of time before I won't see any of my siblings as much as I used to anymore.

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