8) 'School, The Bane Of Every Child's Existence.'

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February 18

(Fannys POV)

With the help of the Hamiltons, I was able to take a dyslexia reading test at a local child mind institute. About a few days later, we got the results that I did indeed have it. I hit my head on the table. "Why can't you work right?!" I screamed at myself. "You look ugly, you read ugly, I just HAD to win the lottery!" I exclaimed. It was late at night and everyone was asleep. I just couldn't rest that night. It was a lot to take in. I knew I might have had it, but to actually know it? A whole different story. I began to silently sob, I looked over the paper with the results again and again, but I couldn't understand it. I wanted to rip it up. I heard footsteps, and a light was turned on. My eyes adjusted to see Mr Alexander. "Fanny? Its almost midnight. You're the only person whos up at the same I am." "I couldn't sleep." "Are you beating yourself up about the result? I told you, its not your fault. You can't control it." I sighed and laid my head on the kitchen counter. He sat across from me.

"Listen, you're gonna hate me, but......me and Eliza, we decided to send you to school. This was before we got the diagnosis, but-" "No! Please! What if they bully me?" I've never been to a real school before. I was usually homeschooled in the orphanage. The orphanage was bad enough, turned away, disgusted looks, school is the bane of every child's existence. I've heard horror stories on how they bullied you if you looked different. I remember one kid came to the orphanage crying and begging to be homeschooled again because one kid was following and terrorizing him on the way back. "Listen, you start next week. James will be with you, its the same school he goes to." I began to freak out. "But they'll bully me! I can't read, I look weird, please!" "Woah, hey, take a deep breath." He said, in an attempt to calm me down. I complied and took a breath. "We're just gonna try it out for a week. If you don't like it, we can look into homeschooling groups. This kind of school have teachers who help with dyslexic students. We'll take the rest of this week to work on reading and wait for the prescription for the meds to come in. You're not illiterate, you have a disability. There is a difference."

I still didn't want to go. But he seemed adamant about it. "Fine. But I won't like it!"


I woke up to being nudged in the side. "Wake up, come on." "Fanny is not here right now, please leave a message after the beep." I mumbled. "Uh.....there wasn't a beep-" "Cause I don't want your message." I opened my eyes to see Ms Eliza. "It won't be the worst thing in the world, I promise." I sighed. "Now get dressed and ready. Alex want everyone out the door in an hour."

She left the room as I trudged out of bed. I switched my PJs for jeans and a long-sleeved oversized floral shirt. Ms Laurens accidentally bought it in a wrong size, but Frances said it was the style nowadays. My blond hair was a nest. I went to the bathroom to comb it out, it hurt like hell, but I managed. I REALLY did not want to do this, but I had no choice. I just hope I get seated next to a window so I can sneak out of class.

I sat down at the table, head down. I didn't want to look at anyone. Why did they make me do this?! I stayed silent as I ate my chocolate puffs. "You'll have most of James's classes, and you'll also have a para to help you with reading." "Whats a para?" "Someone that helps you with paying attention. Now, if you have any problem with her, you tell someone. Don't stay silent." I just nodded, too mad for words. I don't understand how I could have a problem with her.

After a while, it was time to load into the car. I was squished between James and John, Will got a car seat of his own. Angie and Alex walk to school together, and Lizzy stays home because shes just a toddler. I held my new backpack in my lap, nothing special, just a normal blue backpack. The car pulled up at the school. "Okay, James, Fanny, pile out." I grabbed my bag and got out, but Mr Alexander called me back. "Fanny? A word?" I went back. "If they stare, let them stare, they don't know who you really are, and thats their problem." I left the car. I flipped my coat hood up and looked down so I wouldn't have to face all the kids. I didn't want them to stare at me. James looked at me. "Follow me, its okay." I followed him as best as I could through the crowd.

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