6) To Break In A Glove

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(The picture of Fanny above is drawn by once again, the lovely Glittersilver ! If you want the featured song, swipe the picture and hit play!)

(Fannys POV)

I was looking out the car window. We were driving upstate to Mrs Hamiltons fathers house to pick up all of their other kids. They wanted to go upstate during the snowstorm for more snow. I saw the whole of Manhattan. I never knew it was this big! I'm so used to seeing the usual streets I pass by, like the barrio and the orphanage. It looks so big! And all the snow on the buildings looked so pretty! And the bridges! The Brooklyn bridge, the Manhattan bridge, the Tri-Burrow bridge! Mr Hamilton told me the name of the last one. It all looked so wonderful!

"Can I open the car window?" I asked. "Why?" "I wanna try to catch a snowflake!" Mr Hamilton chuckled. "When we stop at a red light, you can try."

We had to drive through Harlem to get to the highway. "Harlem. Remember when we lived here, Betsey?" "Yeah. Oh! Theres our old house!" She said, pointing out a window. When the car stopped, I rolled down the window and stuck my hand out to grab a snowflake. "I got one!" I exclaimed as the car started moving again. I rolled the window back up. "How long is it gonna take?" I asked as we drove up on the highway. "About two hours." I slumped in my seat. Thats too long! I didn't have a phone, so I couldn't entertain myself. I had to find some way.

I began to hum 'Sunflower' from the Spiderverse movie. Mr Hamilton turned up the volume on the radio. To my surprise, 'Sunflower' was playing. I gasped as he chuckled again. "You-uh......Are you liking it with us, kid?" I stopped singing. Truth be told, I was liking it, but I was somewhat afraid of them. I used to live with someone else, and they weren't so nice. I'm afraid it'll be an endless circle. "Uh, yeah." I lied.

I listened to a few more songs on the radio before the bumping of the car lulled me into a nap. "She's been a bit skittish." I heard Mrs Hamilton whisper. "I'm not sure if she trusts us." "Well, let her meet the kids first. Lizzys last birthday wish was for another sister."

That was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.


Someone was shaking me. "Fanny. Wake up." I opened my eyes to see I had fallen asleep in the backseat. I got out of the mini-van to stretch. I looked up to see a mansion covered in snow. "What is this?" I asked. "This is my fathers place." Eliza bounded up the steps and rang the doorbell. a muffled chorus of 'Mommy and Daddy!' was heard from the other side.

A man with glasses and thinning white hair answered. "Dad!" Mrs Hamilton said, hugging him. "Eliza! Good to see you." He looked at Mr Hamilton. "This one treating you right?" "I found him, can we keep him, pleeeeeease?" She asked in a joking manner. "You've kept me for nineteen years, woman! NOW you ask permission?" Mr Hamilton shook the mans hand. "Good to see you again, sir-" "Alexander, no need to be formal. You've known me for years now." The man said, wrapping Mr Hamilton in a tight man-hug. "Can't........breathe......." "Sorry!" He let go as he took deep breaths. "Thats just my military strength. Force of habit." "Maybe a warning next time."

The man looked at me. "And who is this?" I hid behind Mrs Hamilton, unsure of how he would react to me. "This is Frances, we call her Fanny. We've been fostering her for the past few days." I peered from behind. "Hello, I'm Philip." I looked at him. "You don't look like him." He chuckled. "Not that Philip. Hes named after me. I'm Philip Sr. Your....kinda grandfather." He then had a look of realization. "You guys must be freezing! I didn't think! Come inside. The kids have been waiting for you."

Clinging close to Mrs Hamilton's coat, I followed her into the living room, where they were attacked with hugs from their kids. Ranging from a girl who looked to be a younger version of Mrs Hamilton, a boy who looked fifteen and had a gaming headset on him, a thirteen year old who had a robotics magazine in his hand, a nine year old boy who had large headphones on his neck, a six year old who had legos in his hands, and a small, two year old girl who waddled up to Mrs Hamilton. "Mommy! Up!" She scooped her up. I Flipped my hood up and hid behind a couch. I heard the kids talk about what they did to their parents. The six year old came up to me. He had fluffy short brown hair and slight freckles like his mother. "Hi!" He said. I just waved, keeping my head down. "You wanna play legos?" He asked, sitting in front of me. He put a huge box of his Legos in front of me. In there, I saw he had already built a small plane and what I assumed to be a dinosaur of some sorts. I just nodded, keeping my head low so he didn't see my face. I didn't know what to build.

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