My heart sped up.

I hate partners.

Like, despise them.

"Ok. Lets do a 'Get to Know You' activity!" He claps his hands.


This day is going great.
The weird girl is in this class.

Her name is Alice.

Why didn't I know that?

I should've.

"Okay. Who's first? State your name and your favorite color."

"Mr.H, we aren't first graders." Pillie states from behind me.

"Well then you go first." Mr.Holland looks annoyed.

Pillie gets up and walks to the front of the classroom. "Hi guys. My name is Pillerson, but please call me Pillie. I know, I know, it's really fuckin weird."


"Sorry, really weird. And my favorite color is... green."

Everyone claps.

Except Alice.

She just looks at her books with even more hair in her face.

"And you son?" Mr.Holland looks at me.

I walk up and say quickly, "My name is Jonathan Banks and my favorite color is blue."

"What shade?" That prick Matt yells out.

I scratch the back of my neck.

"Light blue."

The weird girl slightly glances up at me.

She catches me staring at her and ashamedly looks back down at her books.

"Thank you, Jonathan."
The whole class goes up and states their favorite color except for the weird girl.

"Alice? It's your turn, dear."

I can see her hands starting to shake just a little bit.

I've only ever heard her talk once, and it was when she said her name.

"Cmon now. We don't have all day."

She gets up and fast-walks up to the front.

Her fingers twiddle with each other as she very faintly says, "My name is Alice."

She stays quiet for a moment before continuing.

"And my favorite color is grey."

No one claps.

She goes and sits back down.

For lunch my mom made me my usual peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Donald always scolds me at our table about how he's allergic to jelly.

He's just a baby.

"So, guys, I think I'm in love with Noelle." Gary says with his mouth full of crackers.

"You've been dating for 3 days." I say.

"So? Love is love." He winks at her from across the lunchroom.

"So love is dating for less than 75 hours?"

"Yup." He takes a bite out of his big carrot.

"Sure, Gary. Sure."

He throws a cracker at me.

"Your loss." I eat it.

After we've all calmed down, someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around to see Kayla Fisher.

"Hey, Jonathan. Can we talk for a moment?... alone?"


I don't want to talk to you.

Pillie elbows my side when I don't talk for a while.

"Ow! Oh.. um... sure." I get up, glaring at him, and follow her out of the lunchroom.

She goes to the very end of the hallway before turning to me. "Jonathan.. I came to talk to you because I feel like you would understand what I'm talking about."

"Um, ok?"

"I think I'm... I think I'm gay."

Why would I understand?

"Oh. Wow. That's um.. that's cool."

She looks relieved. "Ah! I knew you would get it!" She kisses my cheek and skips away.

Does she think I'm gay?

Just because I haven't done anything doesn't mean I'm gay.

God, I need to forget that happened.
Hope you enjoyed 😎
End of chapter two

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