Part 24

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'Sooo what'dya wanna do first?' my boyfriend Chris asked me passing me a plate of delicious smelling pancakes. 'Well,' I said, hungrily shoving pancake into my mouth, 'I don't know.'

'Well you know it's more like The Viva than you would expect. In fact I think I have an idea,' Chris said thoughtfully, then he left the room. I put my plate to one side and crawled out of bed to see where he'd gone. I found him rummaging in the dusty old study through one of the many boxes piled in one corner. 'Aha!' he said, receiving a skateboard. He showed me, 'How about I teach you to skate?' I looked at him skeptically. 'Pleeeeeease.' he said, sticking his bottom lip out. I eyed it warily, what was the harm in it? 'Okay-' I started. 'Yes!' Chris said grabbing my wrist and pulling me out of the front door. The red sun hung low in the sky, as always. He set the board down. 'Right, get on.'

'Now?' Folding his arms Chris rolled his eyes, 'No, after I grow a beard and a leprechaun comes down for a pint or two.' I simply raised my eyebrows, 'Erm, lame.' I said. Chris scrunched up his face, 'I guess it was, now hurry up.' He held my hands and helped me on to the board. He showed me how to start and turn to start off but I just kept failing miserably, 'No not like that,' he said amused. He got on the board behind me and held my waist gently, giving me butterflies. 'Here,' he set off and started to skate along the street, very quickly. 'Stop stop stop,' I protested, wriggling out of Chris's grasp and jumping off the board then landed clumsily on my butt. Stopped the board and jumped off, running to me. He tried to use concern to mask his amusement but I saw through his disguise. 'Are you okay?' he asked. I shrugged, 'The only good thing about having a big butt is using it for a soft landing.'
'You do not have a big butt,' Chris argued. 'Don't lie to my face bro,' I said, overdramatising. 'And I'm the lame one,' he said pulling me up off the ground. We agreed that skateboarding wasn't really a good idea right now and decided to do something else. 'So you know that game we played the other day,' I started, batting my eyelashes. I saw Chris smile while picking up his battered board. 'I'm not sure whether you I should let you play that anymore, you're violent enough without more influence.' Raising my eyebrows I smirked, 'Wanna know what'll happen if you don't?' We got out of the evening heat and into the house, I'm not sure I'd ever get used to the dimness of the houses here. Chris put his board to one side, 'Should I?' he mocked. The lights flickered and went out and we were plunged into complete darkness. 'Did you do that?' I asked, standing there stupidly in confusion. 'No?' He answered, I could hear the genuine confusion in his voice. I reached out and felt my hand brush fabric and held onto it. 'Please tell me this is you not some creepy killer from Halloween or something.' I said, not sure whether to be scared or amused. I felt Chris pull me closer to him. 'Unlucky.' He whispered, although I could practically hear the smile. I relaxed in his arms, I always felt safe with him. As soon as I relaxed the lights came back on. 'Well that sucks,' I complained, letting my eyes adjust to the dull lights. Chris looked down at me questioningly, I elaborated, 'I could have pretended I was scared and you could have protected me from the monsters of the dark.' He chuckled and kissed my forehead, 'One small hole in your strategy,'
'And that is?' I questioned. 'We are the monsters of the dark.' He said, then vanished only to reappear behind me and startle me. 'Hey!' I protested whirling round, however he decided he'd prefer to sit on the sofa. I narrowed my eyes and went to join him. The soft cool cushions were nice to sit on after my short skating experience. 'Can we play a less violent game?' Christian asked. With fake shock I said, 'Less violent?' He just shrugged, a real typical teenage boy shrug. I grabbed one of the soft red pillows and playfully hit him with it, not hard, just enough for him to get the one next to him and start a pillow fight. We had a massive pillow fight and by massive I mean we turned over the sofa, nearly knocked the TV off the wall, broke a table and ended up in the kitchen. 'Surrender,' Chris yelled, 'Never!' I returned, that's when he threw down his pillow and came directly at me. Giggling, I ran out of the kitchen ditching my pillow in the doorway, causing Chris to trip over, 'Oof.' I looked back over my shoulder to see him picking himself up off the floor grinning, and tripped over the upturned sofa landing in a heap. We both laughed and and tried to get up but I was tangled in a mess off pillows and limbs. Chris came over and tickled me. I was the most ticklish person in the world, or worlds. I was laughing but I was so frustrated, 'Get... Off...' I managed to gasp between laughing and squirming. 'Surrender,' Chris challenged, stopping for me to answer. 'Yes, whatever.' I said, trying to act cool about it. Chris laughed triumphantly so I stuck my tongue out at him. Our attention was caught by a letter sliding through the letterbox. Me and Chris both caught eachother's eye and raced to the letter at the same time, each one of us hoping to get there first. Chris obviously won because he was already stood up, I had to detangle myself first. He looked down at the envelope then back up at me. 'What've I done?' I asked, rolling my eyes. 'It's from my dad. I recognise the handwriting.' The mention of Lucian made me stiffen. He tore into the envelope with curiosity and anticipation and pulled out a card. Well it looked like a card at first but as I peered over his shoulder I saw it was a invitation. I didn't even bother to read it, I just simply folded my arms in protest. 'No. Way.' I said stubbornly. It looked like Chris felt the same way, he ripped it all up and threw it in the air. 'Confetti!' he cheered, like nothing had happened. To be honest, I wanted to feel the same way so we danced in our brief shower of cheap confetti. A low growl stopped us. My stomach. I was hungry and I hadn't noticed. 'Did you not eat my marvellous pancakes,' Chris accused. 'No,' I lied, remembering I hadn't eaten my pancakes, 'I just let them cool off.' 

'For two hours?' he laughed, 'Are they really that bad?' I considered, 'No actually, I had one, you could be on master-chef.' He started the PS4 and sat on the sofa, not even bothering to sort the room out, and started to play The Evil Within. 'No fair!' I whined. He patted a bit of sofa next him and I sat down. He passed me the controller and laid down, watching me play the game, which I actually found out I was pretty good at. After a few hours and a pizza later, we put on a film, it took us a while to pick but we chose Are You There? 'Did you know,' Chris started to say, as I laid down beside him and he wrapped his arm around me, 'This film is based on a true story.' 

'Yeah it just said.' 

'Wait, the demon it was based on, Zozo, is actually my cousin,' he said. I shifted round to face him, 'Serious?' I asked. 'Yeah, he's only five.' I asked more questions about Zozo until I began to grow sleepy. I think Chris said something but I never got to hear him before I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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