Part 19

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There were so many all coming at once, screaming children sat in pushchairs which huge bloody chunks missing out of their faces, people clawing their eyes out or disfigured bodies covered in bruises and blood. Raven couldn't take the pressure, she pulled at her hair screaming, 'Make it stop, make it stop,' over and over. I felt pressure building up in my head, like when you fly on a plane and your ears popped but much worse. I wouldn't give in to him no way. 'YOU'D BETTER DO BETTER THAN THAT!' I yelled. As if Issac was actually there although he could be for all I knew, the hallucinations got worse. First was Mum and me, Mum turned her back on me and walked away. Then it was Zachary kissing some girl who I'd never seen before, that didn't upset me, only enraged me. Then it was Avery and Fifi's dead bodies rotting. All these hallucinations were tearing me up. Then Chris showed up, he pulled a knife out of his pocket and cut his throat open. I clutched my head and yelled in pain, physical and psychological. I refused to give in but more and more spectres kept appearing and torturing me. My head felt like it was about to explode. No I couldn't do this. 'Stop,' I tried to yell but it came out feeble and defeated. 'Stop, please.' All at once they stopped and Issac appeared, smug. His attitude was much darker than usual, probably because of the death of Dr Rossi. 'So?'

'We'll go with you,' I said, 'Just no more, okay?'

'Clarity,' he said, pretending to be sympathetic, 'I could have taken you any time I wanted, I just wanted the satisfaction of you surrendering.' He bent down so he was face to face with me, 'I told you, you're mine. Now where's your pretty little friend?' He found Raven and dragged her over. Gripping. both our arms, after taking off the heavy bracelets that took our power, he teleported, taking us with him to what I'm guessing was his room. As soon as we had changed dimensions, he put the heavy bands back on us. This room was nothing like Chris's, you could see where each of the brothers priorities laid. Unlike Chris's organized room this was dismal and grey, along one wall was five chairs doctors would strap patients to in the older times when they performed lobotomies and stuff like that. Against the other wall was a single bed pushed right up against the wall and random piles of bits of paper and other random things. The centre of the room held a large table littered with, knifes, brass knuckles, syringes and other things I really didn't want to know about. The door, unfortunately was padlocked and the key was nowhere in sight. He tied us both up in those god awful chairs and I started to yell for help as loudly as I could. Instead of hitting me like I thought he might, Issac just laughed, 'Do you really think,' he asked, red eyes boring into mine, 'That I wouldn't have had this place soundproofed?' he flipped his blonde hair out of his eyes then walked away. Raven had grown pale in the past few days, she'd begun to lose weight and she had large dark circles under her eyes. 'I'll be fine,' I tried to reassure her, I'm not sure it worked. Isaac started playing some heavy metal, I think it was Attila but he had it that loud the sound was coming through really badly. He jumped on his bed and started to read a book. I couldn't believe he thought he could do this to people. I was so frustrated and tired and I just wanted to see Chris, I'm sure Raven would be feeling the same, maybe worse. She wasn't really taking this very well. I could see her breathing deeply, probably trying to calm herself down. We would get out of here I refused to die, simply refused. If Death himself came to me, I would find a way to escape. I needed a plan.

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