Part 7

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I woke on my soft cosy bed with Fifi licking my face, 'Hiya girl,' I said and gave her a cuddle, 'I haven't seen you around much.' She barked in reply then bounded off my bed and up the stairs. Rolling over to get up, I saw a note. 'Meet me tonight by the lake at 12, A xx' it read. Surely if Avery wanted me I would have thought she'd just text me. But then again, this is Avery we're talking about and she's full of all these crazy ideas. Then some other thoughts occurred to me, it was already late when I'd fallen asleep, and how did she get into the house. Mum wouldn't have let her in if she knew I was sleeping. Maybe she didn't know. I decided I'd go, just out of curiosity. It was ten already so I had about an hour before I planned on leaving. The soup mum had let me had gone cold and the cola had gone flat but my growling stomach didn't care. I pulled on my black hoodie and got changed into some black jeans and converse. I truly felt like a ninja. All the black clothes reminded me of Christian. I think my subconscious mind had just made all of this up because I was lonely. Yes that was it, the sad truth. Thinking about this lead my mind straight to Zachary and thinking about him made whatever was left of my heart ache. I snuck up my stairs and shut the my door slowly and quietly, turning the light off on the way. Hopefully I would be back before Mum woke up. I listened carefully and knew I was okay to sneak out when I could hear soft snoring coming from Mum's room. This wasn't the first time I'd done this so I pretty much knew what I was doing. Passing the kitchen on my way out I grabbed some cookies, that cold soup hadn't agreed with my stomach at all. The cool night air embraced me, I shivered, to say it was the middle of July, it was cold. I took my usual route to the lake and was there pretty quickly. Avery wasn't here yet. I climbed my favourite tree and waited up there so I could see her approaching. I relaxed sat with my legs up on the branch resting against the tree trunk, and watched the insects fly around the lake. It was surprising how much wildlife you could see at night. I heard footsteps and assumed it was Avery. I jumped from my place in the tree and turned around to be greeted by a punch in the face. I heard a crack, probably my nose breaking again, and cried out in pain feeling blood run down my face. 'WHAT THE-' I started looking up at Avery. It was not Avery. 'You look so cute when you're injured,' smirked Issac darkly, I saw my anger reflect back at me through his eyes, they were glowing a bright shade of red due to his excitement. 'You're that insecure that you'd hit a girl.' I said cockily, my voice sounded funny. Stupid nose. 'Oh I'm insecure?' he said, 'Oh Zachary, I love you so much, I'd die without you,' he said sarcastically flipping his blonde hair back. I tried to punch him but he was too fast, he grabbed my wrist and twisted it until it snapped. Pain shot up my arm and through my body as I cried out. That really hurt. I'm not the type of person to back down from a fight and I'm very short tempered so a broken wrist didn't stop me. I flung my whole weight at him and he crashed into a tree, 'Oooh, Dad was right! A little fighter,' he taunted. I kicked him in the stomach and he slouched down against the tree and just laughed in my face. 'Don't worry princess,' he said with a really scary look on his face, 'I'll be back for you and next time,' he smiled showing all his teeth, 'I won't hesitate to break all your little bones.' Then he vanished. Only now had I realized how much pain I was in. The blood from my nose had dripped all over my hoodie and my arm up to my elbow felt like I was holding it in a fire. I really should start bringing my phone places with me, I thought, just before I passed out again.

'You really should start doing this less often,' Christian said disapprovingly. 'What, it's not me who beats me up.' I tried to move my wrist, expecting it to cause me pain but it didn't. I was propped up on Chris's bed and I waved my wrist at him, 'Did you do this?' He looked down, 'Um, no... By the way, your dog found you and sat by your side barking until someone found you and took you to the hospital.' He said. Suddenly I felt sick. 'Mum's gonna kill me,' I said, frowning, 'How did Fifi get out of the house? I shut the door.'

'When Issac came back, he was covered in blood. In that instant I knew you were in trouble so when I found you I opened your front door so Fifi could find you.' 

'Why didn't you just take me to the hospital?' I challenged, 'Wouldn't you be suspicious if a guy with red eyes and no birth certificate just appeared with a beat up teenage girl?' he asked comically. Ignoring his question I asked, 'You don't have birth records?' 

'Nope, I wasn't born one day, I was just, here.' Mindblown. 'Where's my Mum?' Chris looked disconnected for a minute and then he said, 'Sat next to your hospital bed. She's pretty mad I'll just warn you.' Oh God. Chris sighed, 'Look, I'm really sorry for what happened, I should have been there, it's my fault.' 

'No it's fine.'

'I wish I could travel to your dimension whenever I wanted,' he said. 'Why can't you?' I asked.

'Because as a demon, I need a vessel to live in in your dimension.' I stared at him. 'You're a demon who lives in a different dimension? Right.' I said sceptically. 'Look I know it's hard to all take in but just trust me, please?' He looked and I could see genuine emotion in his eyes. To say he was a 'demon' he was pretty cute. 'Yeah I guess.' I shrugged. He smiled, then frowned. I noticed he did that a lot. 'Do you like me?' He asked. 'Um what?' I said dumbly.

'Do you like me?' He repeated, I looked into his eyes, confused and he was looking at me strange, like he was seeing me for the first time. 'Yeah I guess, you've saved my life a few times, I mean thanks for that.' I mumbled. 'Would you sell your soul to the devil?' My eyes widened, 'What?! I thought that's what you didn't want me to do?' I exclaimed, irritated. 'No, no,' he said, 'I didn't mean that, I meant, if you had the choice, would you split your soul between The Viva and The Mortuus?'

'Okay, number one, I don't know  what they are and number two, my life has gotten to the point where I really couldn't care less.' This made Christian smile, 'The Viva is your realm, Viva is Latin for living and my realm is The Mortuus, that's Latin for dead.'


'So would you?' he asked hopefully. I could believe I was about to say what I said. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. 'Yes.' With that one simple word, Chris shot up off the bed and pulled me to my feet using my good wrist. I had no idea what I'd gotten myself into but I clearly couldn't change my mind now. He took me to the front of the fireplace and told me to repeat what he said,

'Brought by blood,

Bound by sin,

Now my soul is broken in,

With the ancient words I speak,

Anima mea proiecerunt,


Nothing happened. I felt like a total idiot. 'What-' I started, the stopped at the sight of a small red dagger. Before I could move, Chris firmly grabbed my arm and cut it, 'OW!' I said, sounding about five then he did the same to himself and threw the dagger in the fire. It went up in flames and a ripping sensation went through me like a lightning bolt. This was it I knew, I just broke my soul.

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