Part 4

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I slung my school bag onto my bed then I shortly followed. School was Hell as I had anticipated. Zachary wasn't being all, 'I'm just going to ignore you because I feel sorry for you,' he was all, 'I'm going to tell all my friends I dumped your sorry ass and get everyone to sneer at you all day.' I'd got hit in the face doing netball and since that, have had a very painful headache. I got some painkillers out of my drawer for it and swallowed them.  I wouldn't even need them if it wasn't for my headaches, sometimes they were particularly bad, today it was particularly bad. I just wanted to sleep for an eternity. I closed my eyes and let myself relax...

It was dark, very very dark. I tried to move around to see if I could figure out where I was but I was tied down to a chair. Oh no. No no no. This couldn't be good. I could hear shallow breathing coming from somewhere behind me, 'Hello?' I asked, 'Anyone there?' Dark laughter rumbled from whoever was there and it seemed to shake the ground. Or maybe that was me shaking. I didn't know. Suddenly a bright light blinded me and, with my hands restrained, I couldn't shield my eyes. Is this what it's like to be dead? I wondered. The intensity of the light died down and I saw where I was. I did not like what I saw. The walls were white and there was no doors or windows but all down them were bloodstains. My pulse quickened, and I refused to acknowledge the chains, bones and other scary metal tools on the floor. The chuckling had come from a tall man crouched in the corner of the room. As I studied him further I realized this was no man. His skin was very pale and his eyes, outlined with thick dark eyelashes, were crimson red. He wore a black suit and his teeth were razor sharp, he grinned fiendishly at me. 'Why hello, Clarity.' he smirked, for such a young looking man he had a considerably deep voice. 'Get away from me.' I growled as he moved closer. 'Oooh a feisty one you'll do just fine.' he said as he lifted my chin and examined my face. I tried my hardest to kick him but it was a futile attempt. He laughed a mocking laugh and I audibly growled at him. 'Did you like my dream I made for you?' he asked, amused. 'Why didn't you help your little boyfriend? Oh wait, you broke up.' My blood was boiling, 'Freak.' I spat, furious. He chuckled again. 'Don't worry, sweetie I'll be back.' and with one last evil grin he faded away...

I sat up gasping for air, just as I heard the front door slam. Mum was back from work. That reminded me, I needed to sort out her present. I went upstairs greet Mum with a hug and then slipped into the spare room, well I called it the junk room. It was full of all sorts of things. I rummaged through some random piles until I finally came across some metallic blue wrapping paper and a silver stick on bow. I peered my head round the door to make sure Mum wasn't around, when the coast was clear, I ran back to my room as fast as I could while making as little noise as I could. Luckily she wasn't around so I was safe. Once I'd gotten back in my room, I took the necklace out of the bag and had a look. It was beautiful, laid inside a blue velvet box it was a heart with small swirls outlining the outside with 'I love you' engraved it the centre. I found the picture I had saved, it was me and Mum when I was very young at the park, I had chocolate ice cream and it was all round my face. That was one of my favourite childhood memories. I smiled to myself and carefully slotted the picture into place and wrapped up to little box. I'd also wrote her a card so I hid them underneath my bed until morning. I really didn't fancy sleeping though. I hadn't really thought about that dream until now but that was freaky. Could that have actually been the devil himself? Sure looked like what I'd picture him as, except from having horns. The guy from my dream didn't have horns protruding from his skull. Of course I didn't believe the dream was real, that would be silly right? Suddenly my room temperature dropped. Just the draft. I told myself, however it wasn't a draft, the whole room just turned freezing. Yay for me. I put my favourite hoodie on and just moped around for a bit until Mum called me for tea. On the way out of my room, I heard a whisper, it was very quiet and it sounded like it was in my head. Just for the sake of science and my 'logical mind' I turned around to see if there was someone there. Nope, nobody. But as I went to carry on up the stairs, I saw a flash of black flash past my bed and because I was such a coward, I ran up the stairs as fast as I to Mum.

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