Part 21

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I found myself in Chris's room. 'Chris! Christian!' I yelled. He wasn't here. I needed to find him. I didn't know how I was here with that stupid bracelet but it probably wouldn't last long. I ran to the door flinging it open, it wasn't as heavy as it looked I noticed. I'd never actually been anywhere in The Mortuus except from Chris's room I had no idea where I was. I came out into a large hallway. 'Chris!' There were identical doors to the one I came from. I opened each door looking for any sign of anyone. There was nobody. There wasn't much in the rooms either. Another bedroom, a spare probably, a library, a study and a bathroom. At the end of the tall patterned walls was a spiral staircase made from oak wood. I went down the stairs trailing my hand along the smooth, cool wood. Downstairs the light was more dim, everything, I noticed, was lit by candles in all different shapes and colours. Some were even scented. Downstairs was just as empty as upstairs. There was a large spacious living room leading straight from the stairs. To the right was what looked like the kitchen. I didn't waste time in looking at little details. I needed to get help. The front door was tall and had intricate carvings in like the others, the door knobs were round and were made of silver. I ran out of the front doors screaming Chris's name. It was no good I wouldn't be able to find him. Then another idea sprang to my mind. Running back upstairs to Chris's room I looked for anything I could write with. 'Aha!' I said out loud. I still didn't get how this whole dream/out of body experiences thing really worked but I prayed I could move things around. Eyeing a notepad and pen skeptically, I reached down to pick up the pen. So far so good. I hastily scribbled a quick note. 'Chris, it's Clarity. Issac has got me and Raven, please help us.' Just as I put the pen back down, I felt myself being pulled back to reality, or whatever that was nowadays...

'Ohmygod.' I said as I sat bolt upright in my awful chair. Issac must've gotten back a while ago because he was using a damp cloth to clean dry blood from my face. The Jadarite slowed down the healing process so the cuts on my face were still there. He was being surprisingly gentle. 'Are you okay?' he asked, genuine worry in his eyes. At one side of me Raven was staring at me with worry. The bloody corpse of a dog with its guts strung onto the floor brought back memories. 'You got your stupid animal to attack me?' I said full of rage. 'No no I'm sorry it was supposed to make sure you didn't escape,' I glared right at him wincing as the gash along my eye split open and started leaking blood again. The cut had caused my eye to swell up and bruise, disturbing my vision. To my surprise he untied me and led me over to a cushioned desk chair. He had to support me but I wasn't complaining, I was finally out of those horrid ropes. There were raw painful marks on my wrists and ankles where the rope had bitten into my skin and my legs felt like jelly. He brought me a drink of water. 'I'm sorry,' he repeated. 'If you were sorry, you wouldn't have us tied up here in the first place.' I hissed, he just stared blankly at the floor. Putting the cup down out of my shaky hands I asked, more calmly, 'Why, why are you doing this to people.' He sighed and shook his head. 'There's not much I can do about it even if I tried,' he said tiredly looking lost. I knew that look. It was the look of someone mentally broken, depressed, someone who's just had enough. Although he was holding me and my friend captive and was probably planning to kill us as he had done with many others in the past, a wave of sympathy hit me. I took his hands in mine. 'Tell me everything.'

It had taken hours to tell the whole story. I already knew that when the world was created there was Heaven and Hell and its inhabitants I knew the The Mortuus was basically the real name for Hell and that Satan was the leader of all demons and he created them. Satan had two kids, twin brothers who were totally evil and a wife, all from the beginning of time. Issac used to be the outcast. Chris was favoured more by his father than Issac and he was bullied by other people. His father also used to abuse him. His Mum was the only one who could help him. She assured him she understood but they both knew deep down that she didn't have the smallest clue. One especially bad day, Issac was feeling as lost and alone as ever, his Mum had started to ignore him too. The only person he could turn to. When he tried to talk to her she completely ignored him and something inside him, any piece of rational thought left inside him just broke. He murdered his Mum and attempted to murder Chris. His attempt to kill his brother failed of course and he was sentenced to the electric chair. That, of course, wouldn't kill him but was pure torture. Ever since that, Issac kidnapped innocent teenage girls, tortured and killed them. There was one girl however who both him and his brother had been hunting for a while, slowly he began to fall in love with this girl but he noticed that Chris did too. He knew that he'd have to kidnap her and keep her for himself because he could see that she was slowly falling for Chris. When she became bonded to him he knew it was too late. This tore whatever piece of heart he had left. I sat and listened to him talk sorrowfully, the girl he spoke of, was me. He started sobbing softly into his hands. I stroked his hair to try and comfort him and as I lifted my arm I realized that the Jadarite bracelet had gone. I looked to Raven but hers was still clung to her wrist. I could escape! Then I looked down at Issac and felt a pang of guilt. After everything he'd told me, I had come to like him more but there wasn't anything I could do for him. He looked up at me through sad eyes and smiled weakly, a clock chimed indicating it was midnight and he whispered, 'Happy Birthday.' I had totally forgotten about that. What a way to spend your seventeenth birthday. He handed me a small box indicating for me to open it. Inside was a thin silver necklace with a lopsided heart charm on it, in one side of it was a small pink gem. It was beautiful. 'Here let me put it on you,' he said gently undoing the clasp and redoing it in place around my neck. I touched it tentatively with the tips of my fingers in case it was some sort of trick. 'I'm so sorry,' he said, with so much sadness and honestly in his eyes it burned. It was like he'd totally forgot he'd stalked me, tormented me and kidnapped me, killing three of my close friends along the way, one of them being his own Grandmother. 'Will you go back now?' I knew what he meant by that, he wanted me to go it that chair. Wordlessly I just got up and went to the chair. Giving into Issac's craziness.

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