Part 31

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Today was the day of the wedding. Little butterflies swarmed in my stomach and there was only one reason for that. Christian. When he looked at me, I felt all warm and tingly. His kisses gave me little butterflies in my stomach and when I was with him, everything just felt okay. One year ago today he proposed to me and, my answer being yes, now we were getting married. My best friend, Elli, finished my hair off for me by adding glitter spray. 'There we go,' she said. 'Are you ready?' Truth be told, I wasn't. My life these past two years had flown by. The phrase 'being thrown in the deep end' was much more understandable now but honestly, I had grown used to it. I took a deep breath and admired myself in the mirror, 'Yes.' My dress was very pretty, the top half was lacy with long sleeves and the dress part was covered sparkles. My makeup had taken two hours and my hair even longer but it was worth it. It was styled up in a messy bun and there were little sparkles that Elli had to iron in. She gave me a reassuring smile,'It's nearly time for us to go.' Nerves flared through me again making me feel dizzy. I was about to marry the guy who had saved my life and given me something better to live for, the guy I loved. My thoughts were all muddled and it felt like there was cotton wool stuffed into my head. There were a few knocks on the door. Time to go. 

The wedding was to be held in a very old chapel that looked though it were about to collapse any moment but nevertheless it was beautiful. Crowning the dark oak doors were stained glass windows and in the bricks were elaborate patterns. Everyone was seated, and by everyone, I meant half the town. Chris clearly had a lot of ties with people. Elegant music streamed out of the chapel, making me feel a little lightheaded, that was the music that I was to walk in to. Obviously my Dad couldn't walk me down the aisle so Elli walked beside me, we both held bouquets of a variety of roses. Rose petals streamed the carpet and I look around as I walked down the aisle. There were so many smiling faces looking at me. I gave a nervous smile back and then looked at Christian for the first time since walking in. 

He was immaculate. His red tie made his eyes a more bold colour and looked good no, sexy in his black suit. I almost laughed out loud when I thought to myself that he looked like my own evil angel. No, no, we were demons. He smiled at me, he had a beautiful smile, and my knees threatened to buckle, leaving me in a collapsed heap on the floor but I maintained my posture. I reached him after the eternity-long walk down the rose covered aisle. As soon as I gazed into his eyes, I relaxed instantly. He had that sort of calming effect on me when he was like this. Jayne was to read us our wedding vows, they were different to the ones I knew of. Christian went first, gazing at me as he spoke and sending shivers down my spine. He finished his vows and I begun to say mine. 

I swear on my soul that for eternity I will be yours and you will be mine.

Through any misunderstandings or hurt, I promise that I will stand by your side forever. 

I will never leave you for another and will always do my best to make you smile because your happiness is important to me. 

Forever and always. 

I finished my vows and Jayne announced that Chris could now 'kiss the bride.' He took me in his arms and leant down to kiss me. Everyone burst into applause, some old ladies who I didn't recognise started to cry with happiness. They say that everything happens quickly on your wedding day and I completely agree. The next hour was spent having quick conversations and being congratulated by people who I didn't even know. There was no 'traditional wedding meal' but we did go to another very old looking building to have a party. To my surprise -although I'm not sure why- people were bringing in boxes of alcohol and I'm not exaggerating, it was the most alcohol I'd seen in one place. There must've been about thirty boxes of beer and twenty crates of wine. I wasn't sure we were going to need all of it but considering how early and how fast everyone began to drink, I was beginning to doubt my earlier suspicions. 

Early into the party people were all just dancing to rave music with each other. I was actually surprised at how many people were here. I was sat down at a small table in the corner of the room, sipping some bitter wine then grimacing at it's vinegary taste. Elli slid in the chair next to me, 'You can't be sat here alone! It's your wedding for god's sake.' I watched Chris dancing happily in the crowd, enjoying himself, I caught his eye and he winked at me, making me blush and hide behind my hands. He beckoned me to come and dance with him but I shook my head. I hadn't really danced that much before and I didn't want to embarrass myself but Elli pushed me over in his direction. 'Clarity, you are dancing with him and that is final.' I laughed and mentally thanked her as she slipped in with the crowd again and continued dancing. I felt Chris hug me from behind and I spun around in his arms. Very conveniently, at that moment a slow song came on. People began to form a little circle around us, watching us happily. 'You're beautiful,' he whispered, brushing a loose bit of hair behind my ear. I blushed once again. Damn what was wrong with me tonight? I rested my head on Chris's chest and whispered back, 'Thank you... You know I can't dance right?' I felt the laughter ripple through his chest, 'Well you seem to be doing fine right now.' I realised that for that whole time I'd been dancing steadily in time to the music with him. 'Oh...' He laughed again and I looked up into his eyes. 'I love you,' he whispered, stroking my cheek with his thumb while his other hand rested on my lower back. 'I love you too,' I said back to him. He leant down to kiss me again...

My Metaphysical RomanceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz