Part 20

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'So Clarity,' Issac started, I just glared at him, 'It's your birthday tomorrow is it not?' he said. It was really more a statement than a question. I had forgotten my birthday myself, never mind him knowing it. I just carried on glaring at him which made him chuckle. 'Well if you're a good girl today, I'll untie you and if you're especially good I might get you a present.' Untie me? That's just what I needed. Maybe if I could try my hardest to call someone, although the this would be hard with the heavy Jadarite bracelet weighing down my arm. I think I had the plan pieced up in my head, yes. I just hoped it worked. Now, to call Chris, if I could. I went into my half-conscious sleep, it took me a while because I didn't trust Issac one bit but I might die anyway so... I focused really hard on one thing, Christian. I pictured all his facial features. His silky black hair, his eyes that always seemed to be a more trustworthy red than a demonic red, his smooth pale skin, his perfect smile... He was there! I opened my eyes in shock, not excepting anything to happen. He was stood by the door, very transparent, I almost couldn't see him. He looked at me in panic but when he actually processed my situation his panic turned to rage, help, I mouthed to him. Then the vision of him wavered and completely vanished. I didn't know whether to feel complete despair or hope. I'd seen Chris in dreams but never actually for real and if that could even happen, the bracelet would have probably stopped it. Maybe I was just that desperate that I hallucinated the whole thing, Raven didn't seem to notice. By now Issac was snoring softly on his bed. It must be so hard chasing after two innocent girls for a whole week. He looked pretty innocent in his sleep. His chest was slowly rising and falling as he breathed and his hair fell in a halo around his head though he was the furthest from an angel that anyone could be. He wasn't really as good looking as Chris either. Thinking about Chris made me wonder if what I'd seen was real. I really hoped he'd heard me or whatever had just happened. Raven hadn't said anything for hours either, she was pretty mad but she couldn't exactly say she was totally innocent in all this. After a few attempts of starting conversation with her, I had given in. My mood plummeted even further as I realised we were probably going to die. All those girls before us who had too been killed, why had he done it? Before I 'changed' I would have just thought demons had no souls or emotions but now I know, from first-hand experience, we do. He must have a motive for this, maybe I could dissuade him from doing this anymore, or like most other people, I could try escape first. Looking at the cluttered floor nearby my for any thing I could use to cut myself free, Issac stirred. Great. I stopped looking and pretended to be asleep. I tried not to flinch or twitch as I heard him get off the bed and walk closer. His footsteps echoed eerily around the room and I could sense Raven's unease. 'I do know you're not asleep.' Issac said to me most likely, amused. I just kept my eyes closed, I heard someone sigh and walk off. Opening my eyes just enough to see Issac's figure walking away to do whatever he did in here, I didn't care I just needed to get out. I turned to look at Raven and she looked at me with eyes like a young sad child. They read, Get me out of here. I felt sorry for her in a way but I didn't have time for this, she could either get herself together or stay here. I know it's mean but I really needed her to get a grip. Issac, seeing me awake smirked, 'I knew you were awake.' He left crossed to the door and as he opened it, clicked his fingers. It took me a lot of self-control not to laugh at how much of a idiot he looked, I don't know why I found it so funny. I needed to get out more, oh wait... Suddenly a big black shadow slunk into the room and sat itself opposite me and Raven. The shadow was actually a dog. It definitely didn't look like a normal dog. 'This is my dog,' Issac said smirking, I knew he was thinking of Fifi when he said it. I noticed he always had a sly, cocky undertone with everything he said. I didn't respond or even look at him. 'Oh the silent treatment?' He raised one eyebrow, 'Don't worry, I'll get you talking,' looking to the dog watching us carefully he said, 'Make sure nothing funny happens.' With that, he left shutting the door behind him. It locked with a loud clunk. Whispering cautiously Raven asked, 'Are you any good with animals?' She asked me but her eyes were fixed on the hungry looking dog watching us with beady, angry eyes. I was the first thing she'd said to me for a while but I could see a glint of hope concealed in the red of her eyes. I looked towards the dog too, it tipped it's head to one side in confusion, probably because we were both staring at it warily. I think I could just about guess her plan. Get the dog to bring something sharp or tear through the rope itself. Before I even opened my mouth to speak the dog bounded over, leapt up claws first and slashed madly at my face. It's claws were as sharp as razors and all I felt in my face was searing pain. I couldn't pull it off because my hands were tied down so I shrieked in terror. I felt my eye being sliced open and blood slide down my cheeks. The pain felt like flames licking my face, I felt more pain and the flames ate me up.

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