Chapter Thirteen - Sorry

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-Bam POV-

"Watch out, Rak!" I yelled. Rak threw his spear straight into the drone coming for him. "Thanks, black turtle!" We're in the middle of the 68th floor test, after having climbed the tower rapidly for months. After leaving us at the Last Station, Hwaryun left a note.

"Meet me at the 69th floor. I'll be there with the third thorn fragment. Hwaryun."

After passing this test, we'll be able to meet up with Hwaryun.

Our team was quickly wearing down all of the drones in the test. After we thought we were finished, Endorsi said,"Well, that was easy!"

Never say anything in the tower is easy.

Almost immediately after she said that, the last drone appeared right behind her. It seemed different from the other drones. Instead of zooming at her in a kamikaze attack like the others, this one seemed to be charging up...a laser?

"Endorsi!" I pushed her out of the range of the laser, and tripped, falling right on top of her. "Ow." Endorsi blushed.

Rak threw his spear, destroying the drone. "Congratulations, regulars! You have passed the 68th floor test!"

We had finally made it to the 69th floor.

We rented a place to live. Upon arriving there, we saw another note from Hwaryun.

"I'll send you a transmission of my location tomorrow. FUG is watching. Be careful. Hwaryun."

"I guess we'll see her tomorrow then," Khun shrugged. "We can just relax for today then."

Almost the entire team went out to explore the 69th floor, except for Khun, Rak, Endorsi, me, and Lauroe. Lauroe was sleeping, as usual. Endorsi muttered something about her room and walked away. Khun and I went into our shared room.

These past few months being with Khun were some of the happiest of my life. It's almost hard to believe that they're real. "Something on your mind, Bam?" Khun asked. We're able to read each other's emotions so well it's almost scary sometimes. "Nothing," I said, smiling. "Just happy, being with you. These past few months have felt like a dream." Khun smirked. "Is this a dream?" He kissed me, quick and fleeting. His lips felt so familiar, so right. I put my arms around him, holding him close to me. We were interrupted by someone knocking on our door. "Bam? Are you in there?" Endorsi.

Untangling myself from Khun, I opened the door. "Hello, Endorsi. Did you need something?" "I need to talk to you," she said breathlessly. "Alone." I was confused. "Okay." Why would Endorsi need to talk to me alone?


No, no.

"What's going on?" I asked, dreading what I thought was going to happen. "Listen, Bam...I really, really like you. I know I've asked you out before, and it didn't really work, but I really want to be with you." Endorsi was blushing. "I've never really felt this way before."

Oh, no. I knew this was going to happen.

"I'm really sorry, Endorsi," I said. I felt really terrible, but I can't lead her on anymore. "I don't like you that way, I'm sorry. There's someone else I like." "It's fine. I get it." Endorsi did not look fine. She looked like she was going to break down any second. Everything I said seemed to sink in at that moment. Her head snapped up. "There's someone else you like?" I nodded. "Who is it?" she demanded. "I can't tell you." I turned to leave. "I'm really sorry, Endorsi."

"What happened?" Khun asked. "She asked me out," I whispered. "I rejected her, but I feel so terrible, Khun." "You can't make everyone happy Bam. That's not a happy position to be in, but there was no way you could have resolved that without hurting any of us.


I promised a longer chapter, didn't I?

I hope I delivered.

Terribly sorry it's late, school started up again and I've got a lot on my mind. That and I can't remember things.

I can't believe there's 1k views on this thing. I don't deserve any of you.

I'll see you all next week (and hey maybe I'll actually be on time)

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