Chapter Seventeen: Monster

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—Bam POV-

Everything that just happened feels almost like a fever dream. Did we really capture Rachel?

Did I really do that?

"Hey," Khun said, falling into step beside me. We were on our way to our makeshift prison to get some answers out of Rachel. "Are you okay? You seem kind of sad."

I smiled. "I'm fine." I felt fine, it wasn't a lie. "I'm just...unsure." Khun frowned, confused. "Unsure? Why?" "To be completely honest, I don't know." I shrugged. Khun kissed me on the cheek. It felt nice to be able to be open about our relationship after so long. "Don't worry. Everything's going to be fine."

Before long, we had reached the cell.

Rachel glared at us, half of her face obscured in dark shadows. "I still can't believe you're really alive." "Wow, you really missed me," Khun taunted. I put my hand on Khun's arm. "Stop," I said. "I know how you feel, but we need her to talk." "I don't understand how you're so calm about this," Khun muttered. "Honestly? Me neither."

"So you want information, huh? What are you going to do, torture it out of me?" Rachel sneered behind false bravado. It was all just an act, her eyes showing how scared she truly was. "I'm not going to torture you, I just want to talk."

I locked eyes with her. "What do you know about me?" She laughed, a hoarse laugh full of malice and hate. "For one, you were supposed to be a monster. Arlene always called you a monster. You were born to destroy the tower, to tear it down and devour it. Your kindness and goodness are nothing more than illusions. You can't hide your true nature for long." I involuntarily shivered. I hated what she was saying, but still...after what happened to Ari Lea, it hit a bit close to home.

Rachel continued. "Your friends aren't your friends. You can't have friends! What kind of monster knows how to love?"

-Khun POV-

Rachel continued, spitting hateful words. "Once your friends know what you are, they'll all leave you. Why do you think I left you? They'll hate you and curse your existence, because you've been nothing but a plague on them ever since you met them!" Now Rachel was laughing. "Friends? What a joke! They don't care about you, they're scared of you!"

Next to me, Bam was desperately trying to keep his composure. He was shaking, his eyes wide. "Enough!" I yelled, banging on the wall with my fist. "You don't know what you're saying!"

"What makes you think that?"

"Because I love him and you never did!"

We stared at each other for a brief minute, with no sound but our heavy breathing.

"You love him?" Rachel stares wildly between Bam and I. "What-you're-"

"Dating," Bam helpfully supplied. "We've been dating for a couple months now."

Rachel sat in stunned silence.

"Maybe we should come back later, Khun," Bam said. I nodded. "Yeah, let's give her some time to process." We walked away.

"Hey Khun?" Bam asked quietly. "Did you really mean that?" "Of course," I said. Bam drew me into a kiss, right there in the hallway. "I love you too."


Your monthly dose of Rachel being an absolutely horrible person is here! This hurt to write honestly. Rachel's in shock at least, so that's something. Ha.

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