Chapter Fifteen - Different

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My pocket buzzed with a message. "It's from Hwaryun." "What does it say?" Elaine asked. I opened the message. "It's a set of coordinates. Hwaryun must be there." "Well, what are we waiting for?" Shibisu said, jumping up from his seat. "Let's go!"


"The slayer candidate and his friends are coming," the hooded figure in front of me said. I suppressed a smile. Excellent. "Are you excited, Rachel?" Yura spoke from beside me. "We finally get to kill those bothersome fools." She had a sweet smile on her pretty face that didn't quite match the grim topic at hand.

I love that smile.

Perhaps that's how Bam feels when he sees me? Something perfect and unattainable?


"This doesn't feel right." Elaine voiced her concerns about the looming fortress ahead of us and lack of communication from Hwaryun. "Shouldn't we have gotten something by now?" "I don't like this either," Shibisu declared. "Yeah, I'm getting a weird vibe. Have you tried contacting her again?" Endorsi asked. "She's not responding." I answered.

Hockney spoke up. "Maybe those coordinates weren't her. Maybe this is...." Hockney's eyes widened. "An ambush! Move!" A net sailed over my head, almost trapping Rak. "Is it Jahad's army?" Endorsi yelled? "No, I think it's FUG!" I yelled back.

We were running towards the fortress, the small army behind us slowly catching up. "Endorsi, do you think you guys can hold them off? I bet whoever's behind this is in that castle. I'm going to check it out." "Are you sure, Bam? What if she's in there?" Endorsi said doubtfully. "I'll take Khun with me. He'd probably kill her with no hesitation if she tried anything." After a pause, Endorsi nodded. "We'll hold them off."

"Khun!" I held out my hand. "Grab on, I'm going to fly us to the fortress. If anyone's in there, we'll take care of them." Khun grabbed my hand, a smirk on his face. "I hope that blonde freckled witch is there. I'll give her a heart attack."

We flew at breakneck speed toward the dark castle on the horizon. "Head in through the top. That's where the least guards are," Khun instructed. I flew in through the back window, quickly dispatching the poor guard stationed up there all alone.


"Our forces are engaged in combat with the slayer candidate's friends," the same hooded figure said. "The slayer candidate is nowhere to be seen. There was a report of a black blur headed toward our stronghold." "He's here," Yura said. "Do you think he came alone?" "I doubt it. He probably has someone with him, most likely that meddlesome princess or the alligator." I glanced toward Yura, who seemed troubled. "What's wrong? This is what we wanted." "I don't know," Yura said. "I just feel like...he wouldn't come without a plan. Something's going to happen."

"Don't you remember, Yura? Bam's "man with a plan" is dead. I killed him myself. Without Khun, he'll slowly unravel. I doubt he has any sort of plan."


"I'm offended," I mouthed to Khun. "You know it's somewhat true," he mouthed back, jokingly. I made a gesture, indicating my plan to head down. He nodded. "I'll wait here."

I launched off the balcony, swiftly cutting down Rachel's sentries. Am I really ready to face her? After all this. You have Khun back, I reminded myself. Things are different. She means nothing. She tried to kill the person you love most. Your boyfriend. My mouth quirked up a bit at the word boyfriend. I still couldn't quite believe it.

And now, here I am. Standing in front of Rachel and Yura Ha.

I'm not the same person I was, Rachel.


It really is him. He looks so different.

He grew out his hair into another ponytail, shorter this time. He seems stronger, more confident, happier. As if instead of his life being torn apart by Khun's death, it was made even better.

Something is off here.

"Hello, Rachel," he says. "I figured you'd be here." I fought back a sneer. "Chasing after me again, Bam? Shame, I thought you stopped after I killed Khun." Bam smiled. This is still very strange. "I gave up on that two years ago." Bam formed a circle of watery shinsu, hovering above his head. "Now I'm here for something different."


Worst girl will be sticking around for a few more chapters, but trust me, it'll be satisfying.

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