Chapter Twenty-Four - Uneasy

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-Shibisu POV-

Khun sent the signal and I headed inside, not attracting too much attention from the servants. My eyes took in every detail of the house, searching every nook and cranny for a secret passage or hiding spot. I'm a scout, after all. It's kinda my job to search for people.

Khun insisted he would be fine with just Bam, Endorsi, and Hockney to take out Apple, Yura, and the big guy, as well as anyone else in the house, and he's probably right. Bam alone could take on the entire house and win. Elaine is probably the second strongest member of the team and has a good disguise. My team may serve as a distraction, but with Hatz, Anaak, and Rak, we're well equipped.

So why do I feel so uneasy?

Lost in my thoughts, I didn't even notice that I had bumped into someone. I didn't recognize him from Khun's briefing, so I'm assuming he must be a hired guard or something. He certainly looked like one; the guy was built like a truck.

"Watch where you're going," he grunted.

"S-sorry," I stammered out.

"Sorry sir, you mean."

"Yes sir."

The guy got in my face. This is bad, this is bad, this is very very bad. "Who the hell let you in here? Servants should respect who they serve."

I nodded, my throat dry.

"Come to think of it, I haven't seen your face around here at all."

"Really?" I squeaked. "That's...that's strange. Sir."

He drew his weapon. Uh oh.

I bolted down the hallway towards the door, the guy close behind. "Crap," I muttered. I reached the door and threw it open, and thanked every god I had ever heard of that Hatz, Anaak, and Rak were standing right outside.

"You can't even do a simple infiltration, Shibisu?" Anaak said.

"You were only in the house for five minutes," Hatz said. "You were already discovered?"

"Shut up, man! I did my best!"

"Quit complaining, turtles!" Rak roared as he nailed the guy in the gut with his spear. "We have to look for the red turtle, remember?"

Hatz cut the man down and the four of us (plus Lauroe, who was asleep on Hatz's back and probably won't wake up the entire time we were here) ran.

-Khun POV-

I meandered down the hall. Strangely enough, the area was completely deserted. I haven't seen a single servant the entire time I've been in this area of the house.

"Keep going straight," Hockney instructed, his voice buzzing in my ear from the lighthouse. "Take a right after the next left you see. That will bring you to Apple's location."

"Thanks," I whispered out of the corner of my mouth.

"Do you think Elaine will be okay?" Bam asked.

"She can take care of herself," I replied. "Out of everyone in the team, she's probably the strongest after you."

"I know, but something about this doesn't feel right." Bam ignored Endorsi's indignant screeches.

"I'm sure it's nothing."

"Duck!" Hockney yelled in my ear. A needle whizzed over my head and lodged in the wall.

"Aw. I was hoping that would kill you and save me the trouble."

"Apple," I hissed.

"Right in one." She stepped out of the right hallway I was just about to walk down, flanked by seven guards. Why the hell did she need seven guards to walk around the house with her?

"Happy to see me?" I flashed my trademark cocky, absolutely infuriating grin.

"Not particularly."

"I'm hurt. Anyway, what's with your little entourage? Eight against one is a bit unfair, don't you think?"

"Just for protection, you know? Your little friends downstairs caused quite a ruckus. And besides, you've plagued us long enough. We just have to make sure you're dead for certain." She advanced towards me, guards at her back.

"Dodge to the right. The leftmost one will try to stab you," Hockney whispered.

I dodged the swing of the sword that came exactly as Hockney predicted. "Ah, maybe I should clarify. Eight against one is a bit unfair for you guys. Especially considering I'm not exactly alone. Sorry for the confusion."


"You couldn't possibly think I'd be stupid enough to walk around here alone," I snarked. "You see, Apple."

"You're caught in a trap."

Bam dropped out of the lighthouse and blasted the guard with the sword with his shinsu. He made effortless work of the C-rank regulars Apple had surrounded herself with. One by one, they fell to the ground. Bam's Zero wave explosion would keep them out of commission for a while.

"Damn it," she muttered, hands raised in surrender.

"Now," I said, encasing her entirely in ice. I lifted my knife to her neck and pressed it against her throat. "You're going to tell us everything we want to know. And then, you'll die."


I have zero concept of time anymore. School's almost over and considering that's the only thing keeping me on an actual schedule...summer's gonna be interesting this year.

Hope you enjoy the chapter! <3

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