Chapter Twenty-Three - Infiltration

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-Bam POV-

Khun's coordinates led us right to a mansion in the middle of town. We decided to attack at night so there would hopefully be less people around. Unfortunately, more people than I would like were still outside.

I have a feeling this is going to get messy.

"Khun," I whispered. "Is there any way to get people away from here? I have a bad feeling..."

"I don't think so," Khun hissed back. "We'll just have to do our best to keep this inside. As soon as we're done here, we take the test and get off this floor."

I sighed, still apprehensive. "Okay. Are Elaine and Shibisu in position?"

Khun nodded.

-Two days before-

"How are we going to get inside the mansion?" I asked. "It's in a public area so we can't go all out."

"It's a mansion, so there might be a servant entrance in the back," Khun said. "If someone could sneak in there and let the rest of us in quietly..."

"Who would sneak in, though? They know us by sight."

"Elaine," Khun said. "It has to be her. It can't be anyone who was on the train with us, and Apple and Michael would recognize Isu's team."


"She can take care of herself. If she can beat Endorsi, she can probably fight anyone in that mansion," Khun pointed out.

"Okay, so Elaine sneaks in somehow and lets us in. Won't it look weird if a random maid opens the door for the 9 people who captured Rachel?"

"We can hide two or three people in my lighthouse," Khun said. "Probably you, Hockney, and the princess. Besides the crocodile, you three are the most recognizable. I can't carry the crocodile, he's too heavy."

"But that means we can't hide you," I argued. "Aren't you one of the most recognizable out of all of us?"

"I'm the only one who can hide multiple people," he responded. "I'll be fine, don't worry. As for Isu, Hatz, Rak, Anaak, and Lauroe, they'll have to get in another way."

"Could Isu come in with Elaine?" I said. "Elaine can let you in by yourself, and Isu can let the others in afterward."

Khun nodded. "That could work as long as I don't raise suspicion. I can dye my hair again. Isu's pretty plain looking, so I don't think he'll set off any alarms. We'd have to attack as soon as they're let in though."

"Isu's team can be the search team," I suggested.

"That makes sense. Since we have you, Elaine, and Endorsi, our team can clear out the house and help out the search team that way."

-Elaine POV-

"I'm heading in now," I said into my pocket.

"Good," said Khun's voice. "Let us know when you reach the door."

I quietly slipped into the house through the back door Shibisu had found on yesterday's scouting mission. Khun had been correct; this house had a lot of servants in it. Anaak, who had gone with Shibisu in case of trouble, managed to somehow procure two servant uniforms for our infiltration mission.

No one spared me a second glance as I walked in through the door. I kept my head down and drew on my memories of the Gray Wolf clan's servants from my childhood.

I am not used to being submissive. Even when Jinsung Ha bought me from the Name Hunt Station, he never really treated me like a lowly servant.

Still, all I must do is keep up this ruse until I reach the door.

"Maid!" I turned around to see a dark-skinned man flagging me over. Michael, I recalled.

"Bring me a cup of coffee. Black."

I bowed. "Yes, sir." I hurriedly rushed over to a room that looked like the kitchen. I really hope no one asks me to do anything major. I don't know how to cook. With my limited culinary knowledge, I made Michael his coffee and went back.

He took a sip from the cup. "You know, I don't remember your face. I'm sure I would remember a face as pretty as yours." He stepped closer to me.

" strange," I said. "I've worked here for quite a while now, sir." Please, I begged internally. Leave. Just leave so I can get to the door.

"Hmm," Michael mused. "What is your name again, maid?"

"Ellis," I lied.

"Well, Ellis, perhaps I will, ah, request your services again later," Michael said, rolling my fake name off his tongue. Oh god. I don't like this.

"Thank you, sir." I left as soon as I could, heading towards the door.

"I'm here," I whispered into the pocket.

After what could have only been ten seconds but felt so much longer, I received a message. Open it.

I opened the door, and Khun strolled in. He was going to dye his hair blond, but Endorsi had pointed out that FUG knew of this disguise already because of the Workshop Battle.

"Nice job," he whispered.

I swiftly led him towards a small room I had noticed on the way to the kitchen. It appeared to be some sort of closet, but the important thing was that it could be locked from the inside.

"Khun," I whispered. "Just out of curiosity, do you want to kill Michael yourself?"

"I'd prefer it, but as long as he dies. Why?"

"He told me he'd 'request my services' again later. It would be the perfect moment to kill him, especially as I have a feeling we'd be alone."

"You want to split up and go by yourself?" he questioned.

I nodded. "I'll keep pretending to be a maid. It's a good way for me to search the house without drawing too much attention to myself."

"If that's what you think is best."


I love Elaine. She's one of my favorites. She deserves to get her time to shine.

The mansion fight will definitely span multiple chapters. Next chapter, Shibisu gets in. Unfortunately, things won't go as smoothly. Heh.

Khun knows that Elaine has an easy path to killing Michael, but he really wants to do it himself. The amount of self-control it took for him to agree to Elaine's plan was extraordinary. He's definitely gonna go after Apple though. 

The anime is everything I wanted and more. I'm pretty sure whoever animated Khun and Bam's interactions is a khunbam stan.

Thank you for reading! I hope you are all healthy!

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