Chapter Twenty-Two - Lost

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-Khun POV-

Seeing the pair again, cheerfully chatting together, made my blood boil. I still haven't forgiven them for killing Gyetang and that trap they led me, Ran, and Nobic into.

I eyed the other people in the room. One was a hulking giant, but I couldn't see much more than that. They wore the brown cloak I had come to associate with Rachel's team.

Yura was also there in the room, anxiously pacing. I guess she was worried about Rachel? I have to give Rachel credit, she really does know how to talk.

It didn't explicitly tell us where the guide was, but it was a hint.

And sometimes, that's all you get.

-Bam POV-

"Khun!" I said, poking my head into his room. "Did you find anything on Hwaryun?"

"Not exactly, but I traced the message." Khun gave me one of his chilling smiles I knew all too well.

Someone's going to die.

"I didn't find Hwaryun, but I did find Apple and Michael~" He leaned back in the chair he was sitting in. "Might give us a clue, don't you think? Plus, I wouldn't say no to a little revenge..."

I shrugged. "If you think that's best."

"Hey, are you okay?" Khun asked, concerned. "You seem out of it."

I sighed. "Rachel didn't tell us anything. I just feel...frustrated."

"I was thinking about the second floor. Everything was so much simpler. No FUG, no Jahad, no major power in the tower trying to kill us every second. I had you, and Rak, and I was just chasing after Rachel." I ran a hand through my hair. Even that was different. "Then everything happened, and it all changed. And I lost all of you. And even though you're here with me, I feel lost."

"What am I really doing here, Khun? I'm not chasing after Rachel. What do I want? And what if the reason other people can't get what they want is because of me?"

"I can't tell you what you want, Bam," Khun said, gently. "And none of us blame you for anything. We all chose to be here, by your side. And you know why?"

"Because you're you. On the second floor, you were innocent and idealistic, and we all stayed with you. When we were separated, we all clung to the hope that you were alive. You held us together. And you still do." Khun grinned. "We're with you until the end of the line."

"Thanks Khun."

"Of course. Now, we should discuss battle strategies."


Sometimes you just need a bit of validation from your supportive boyfriend who wants to go murder some people.

The anime comes out in 9 days, so that's pretty hype. I can't wait!

Thanks for reading y'all.

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