Chapter 8

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Two Months Later

Your POV

My life here in Neverland always seems like an adventure. Peter has shown me almost every part of the island... Almost... Some places he says are "to dangerous" for me. He's always so protective. I always have someone watching over me, but now more then ever since his new lover. He also never let me learn to fight because he said that he's enough to protect me, but I learned without him knowing. I sneak off when I went to the "bathroom" and watched the boys train for a bit. I never was able to practice though. I did trust Peter with my life and to protect me, but I can't help but feel I will need to protect myself one day.

I never told Peter that.

I was forced sometimes, well at least the past few weeks, to stay in the house Peter and I shared. With some of the lost boy keeping me inside and everyone else out with Peter. This is Neverland though, who would try to hurt me? I questioned that to him and he would always answer, "Your never in danger with me around. I just use extra precautions when I'm not."

Always being so mysterious.

I was forced to stay in the house tonight. I had two of the older lost boys watching the house. One being a boy named Kyle, a 17 year old boy thats been here to long to remember. He was one of the few that would always try to catch a glimpse of me when Peter wasn't watching. I would allow these stares from them because I didn't want any of the lost boys getting killed for it. As much as I loved Peter, I hated the violence.

He never let's me see what he does to the people that "disappeared." I was his innocent little lost girl. He would call me that in bed sometimes showing me he was the dominant one. I knew he was even if I didn't want to admit it. The other lost boy was named Tyler, a 15 year old and was to scared to lay an eye on me. Scared of Peter, but he was still loyal to him.

After Peter left the house to tend to his "meeting" as he calls it, I realized I wanted to know really badly what he was hiding. Yeah, yeah I know curiosity killed the cat and all. But this cat is to curious for her own good. Especially when I was told there was another lost boy that joined.

Felix told me this. Felix gave me hints to calm my nerves of these mysterious. He became my best friend on this island without Peter totally knowing, and that was important.

After a couple of minutes of Peter being gone, I started my dirty plan. I walked to the wooden locked door. I changed my clothing to something more reveling before hand. A black ripped up tank top that now is a crop top and jean shorts. I was never allowed to wear things like this outside the house, especially show the lost boys the outfits, but that was just part of my plan.

"Oh boys!" I tried to be seductive with my words. Kyle looked over of course and Tyler didn't move. Kyle saw me and his eyes went wide as he looked me up and down. Tyler finally noticed, or got curious, and he turned to look at me quickly then punched Kyle in the arm to say, don't even think about it.

I continue when they both looked away, "I'm very lonely in here. Can I come out and talk to you guys." Both of them didn't say a word. I continued to try to seduce them, "Pleaseee! I won't tell Peter." I had the biggest smile on my face when both of them looked at each other and began a conversation. They tried to whisper, but I heard every word.

Kyle POV

"Come on man," I begged Tyler because even though I was scared of Pan, Y/n was so sexy. As much as I loved Neverland, I missed the girls at home.

"No Kyle! We have orders from Pan to watch the house. No one comes in or out except him, ONLY! That and I don't want my heart ripped out of my chest." I looked at Y/n again, she was wiggling her nice hips now and smiling seductively.

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